I really don't care either way on the matter. If people consider it racist, fine, change it, just so long as people don't politicize the next "thing" and look for something to be racist and it really not be there. I'm really not the type to cower down to people who call things racist that really aren't(not referencing the flag because I could see where it may upset some people). So if changing the flag will truly help racial issues, then go right ahead. Me personally, I don't think it will. I think it's up to actual people making a concerted effort to treat people equally, and people have to stop claiming things are racist when truly they are not. A good example of this to me is the Leach tweet. I don't think in any way, shape or form that Leach was insinuating something racist. But some people want to inject racism into the matter. Until we as a people can see things for the way they actually are, not try to inject racism when it's not called for and people truly treat others with respect, we will never get over racism. Ever.
Also, if the business aspect is being held back by the flag(like sports championships and post season play) then it needs to be changed for those reasons as well.