
Originally Posted by
RIP Dynasty
"It is not courage to resist TUSK; It is courage to accept TUSK."
Easy there buddy. Tusk is...well Tusk is Tusk. Tireddawg 12.20.17

Originally Posted by
DeBore is Les Miles
Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is
Johnson85, I agree with a lot of what you're saying. However, the federal government doesn't favor the single left-wing nut job asking for crazy gender policies. A local California school board may. A local county government may. But the federal government does not. What the federal government favors is the large corporations that have paved the way for today's politicians to remain in power. The healthcare, pharmaceutical, firearms, tobacco and alcohol lobbyists dictate policy in this country. They control the representatives we elected to represent us. That's the problem. All this "liter box in the bathroom" bullshit is a distraction to keep all of you focused on the wrong things. They take one instance of insanity and spew it all over the social media and get people in Mississippi worked up about some lunatic BS happening in San Francisco. Who cares!?!?!
The 24-hour news cycle doesn't report the news. They decide the news.
When the grand old party gave up on states rights after winning the White House, House, and Senate during W's term and ballooned the federal government's spending to levels that had never been seen before (yes, you read that correctly... GOP outspent the Dem who actually balanced the budget), the political landscape was set. Big corporations took over the Fed. It hasn't changed since.
Blaming the strange lady-man/man-lady political distraction for America's current problems is like blaming a fart for climate change.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
Children your concern? This is the stuff that baffles me. Transgenders are not the problem and neither are homosexuals.
This is dumb. Nobody is complaining about transgenders existing. They want their daughters and wives to be able to have bathrooms and dressing rooms to themselves and they want their daughters to be able to play women's sports without having to complete against boys/men.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
This ain't new, we have known it for decades about the coverups of the Catholics but if you think it's limited to them, you are sadly mistaken. You should check out the Baptist convention situation then:
Go look at arrests and convictions of pedophiles in this country. Here's a hint, they are not gay or transgender. You will find youth ministers, pastors, coaches, sports trainers etc.. What you won't find is transgenders. You know why? Pedophiles don't cut off their appendages. There may have been one last year but he/she was also a clergyman.
The sex abuse certainly was not limited to the catholic church, which probably has a lower rate of sexual abuse per capita than public school employees. That said, much of the catholic sex abuse scandals did involve homosexual priests and post pubescent boys. People like to just avoid the question of whether an abuser was homosexual, I assume because they are concerned the rates of offense would not be the same for straight people and homosexual people or people that are transgendered.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
The bigger problem is we don't teach our boys to keep their dick in their pants and blame girls for dressing provocative if they get attacked.
This is also dumb. Even relatively ridiculous rape claims get treated as credible. Obviously there was a lot of identity politics going on, but the Duke Lacrosse Case for example.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
Rape is reported infrequently and rarely convicted. Rape is so common that we elected a rapist as our next President.
3 out of our last 5 presidents were accused of sexual assault that involved penetration or rape. I would say one of those was a very credible accusation and involved somebody that had to give up their law license for perjury, so the he said she said doesn't exactly cut in his favor. Biden and Trump may lie a lot, but that doesn't exactly mean they're rapists. Trump's accuser is not particularly credible. I don't know enough about Biden's. That's about all you can go off of though when you are talking about a he said/she said accusation from decades earlier.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
Do not tell me Trump ain't a rapist as he told us he was a sex-offender when he bragged about grabbing women's privates to random people on a bus. That's on video. Then he lost the lawsuit where he tried to sue E Jean Carroll for saying he raped her. Not only did the prove he raped her but two more women as well. Then he was on both P Diddy's and Ebstein's guest lists. Anyone not knowing Trump is a sex offender is lying to themselves.
An impressive amount of actual errors here. He didn't sue Carroll. She sued him. The jury found that he was not liable for rape. That's not a criminal trial where maybe they thought he raped her but couldn't get over the high burden of proof. They found by a preponderance of the evidence that he did not rape her. But regardless, that wouldn't prove or disprove the claim. In a he said she said account from 30 years prior, a majority vote by a civil jury just doesn't tell you much about what actually happened. It tells you some combination of how much they liked or disliked the accuser and defendant and how credible or not they found the accuser and defendant.

Originally Posted by
Hot Rock
So, no... this country is not Christian and anyone thinking so should have voted for someone doing what Jesus said do. Start by caring for the poor and that is the opposite of what is about to happen.
So glad you have figured out what Christianity dictates people should vote for. You should definitely let all the christian religious leaders know so they can tell their congregants how to vote.

Originally Posted by
Political Hack
Johnson85, I agree with a lot of what you're saying. However, the federal government doesn't favor the single left-wing nut job asking for crazy gender policies. A local California school board may. A local county government may. But the federal government does not.
The Biden administration claimed that Title IX, which was supposedly enacted to ensure educational opportunities were not denied to women, prohibited schools receiving federal funding from having female only bathrooms, locker rooms, dorms, or sports. That's a massive deal that affects basically everybody with a female relative or friend that attends or works at an educational institution subject to Title IX (which is the vast majority of them)

Originally Posted by
Political Hack
What the federal government favors is the large corporations that have paved the way for today's politicians to remain in power. The healthcare, pharmaceutical, firearms, tobacco and alcohol lobbyists dictate policy in this country. They control the representatives we elected to represent us. That's the problem. All this "liter box in the bathroom" bullshit is a distraction to keep all of you focused on the wrong things. They take one instance of insanity and spew it all over the social media and get people in Mississippi worked up about some lunatic BS happening in San Francisco. Who cares!?!?!
The 24-hour news cycle doesn't report the news. They decide the news.
When the grand old party gave up on states rights after winning the White House, House, and Senate during W's term and ballooned the federal government's spending to levels that had never been seen before (yes, you read that correctly... GOP outspent the Dem who actually balanced the budget), the political landscape was set. Big corporations took over the Fed. It hasn't changed since.
Blaming the strange lady-man/man-lady political distraction for America's current problems is like blaming a fart for climate change.
One, it's not a political distraction to the women affected. If you give me the choice between my daughter being able to have a girls only bathroom at school or my preferred tax policy, I'm going to go with what is better for my daughter. Two, if sane people can't win on the really obvious issue of "Should the federal government allow single sex bathrooms and female only sports", then there's no need for a distraction. The government can do whatever they want regardless. It's not like people are going to rebel over tax policy but not over their wives and daughters being able to have a bathroom to themselves.
All this bathroom hyperbole is why my wife has this sign at her business:
"After dealing with Ole Miss for over a year," he said, "I've learned to expect their leadership to do and say things that the leadership at other Division I schools would never consider doing and to justify their actions by reminding themselves that "We're Ole Miss.""
- Tom Mars, Esq. 4.9.18

Originally Posted by
DeBore is Les Miles
Hey, don't break my concentration... I'm busy marinating your deer meat.
"It is not courage to resist TUSK; It is courage to accept TUSK."
Easy there buddy. Tusk is...well Tusk is Tusk. Tireddawg 12.20.17

Originally Posted by
I am pretty much with you, I think . I feel you on Jesus meeting with and enter acting but do you think he would willingly tell them it's okay to be the way they are? He would always say to go and sin no more because I do not remember a passage stating to go and continue in sin. I think that probably covers the gays and trans and muslims you mention too. I know folks who are gays and trans and muslims etc and from my experience it is them who isn't very accepting of others but maybe that is just me and the gays and trans and muslims I know. maybe they all aren't that way? are you advocating that we as US citizens shouls accept the views of ISIS?
Nope I am sure not advocating we accept ISIS. And yes, Muslims (not ISIS) accepting or not accepting of Average Joe Christian really has nothing to do whether that Christian should or shouldn't be accepting to them.

Originally Posted by
All this bathroom hyperbole is why my wife has this sign at her business:

Exactly. Just wash your hands.

Originally Posted by
Didn't you learn anything from the election? Calling white men the biggest threat to the democracy as a campaign slogan worked out well for the left. 24/7 of any one sided view is not healthy, no matter which side you take. Both sides are angry and to single out one group shows your agenda. Plus, why would white men be mad when they just won the election?
I wouldn't say they are the biggest threat to democracy. I would say that men and definitely including white men have issues and we shouldn't hide from them. This entire post started because of the comments of a CEO or CFO of Allstate. When I heard their address before the delayed Sugar Bowl, it was actually sobering that I was hearing something that the country needed to hear.
The threat to democracy, well that is definitely a political discussion that I will not enter on this site. As it has nothing to do with Sports or Mississippi State and I don't feel like getting shadow banned for a month like last year during the baseball run.
If I get what I deserve, woe is me.
If the Christ of the Bible, keeps his promises (there lies my faith), PRAISE GOD!!

Originally Posted by
The Biden administration claimed that Title IX, which was supposedly enacted to ensure educational opportunities were not denied to women, prohibited schools receiving federal funding from having female only bathrooms, locker rooms, dorms, or sports. That's a massive deal that affects basically everybody with a female relative or friend that attends or works at an educational institution subject to Title IX (which is the vast majority of them)
One, it's not a political distraction to the women affected. If you give me the choice between my daughter being able to have a girls only bathroom at school or my preferred tax policy, I'm going to go with what is better for my daughter. Two, if sane people can't win on the really obvious issue of "Should the federal government allow single sex bathrooms and female only sports", then there's no need for a distraction. The government can do whatever they want regardless. It's not like people are going to rebel over tax policy but not over their wives and daughters being able to have a bathroom to themselves.
(1) the decision allowed states and individual school districts to implement those policies, which as I noted in my post, we're made by some local authorities.
(2) I'm still not sure how a California school district affects people in Mississippi? I'm pretty sure school bathrooms are still labeled boy/girl in Georgia.
What happened to the old state's rights conservatives? Now we're trying to implement social laws and regulations in other states? Your way is your way. And your way is fine. But your way doesn't have to be everybody's way. Isn't that what we're fighting for? Individual liberty? Why should someone in Mississippi be able to tell someone in California how to label their bathrooms?
That in part is why so many are leaving the culture of Cali for a more normal setting to live, work, worship and raise kids.

Originally Posted by
That in part is why so many are leaving the culture of Cali for a more normal setting to live, work, worship and raise kids.
As would I. That's not the community I'd raise my kids in.

Originally Posted by
Coors in the last 12 months is down $6. Bud is down $16. But yeah great idea for the ad. ....
On October 7th, 2022 - BUD closed at $44.68
On May 17th, 2024 - BUD closed at $67.42
Guess they should go back to doing what they did between then to pump up the price by your less-than-novice logic.
Top Minds of EliteDawgs Stock Trading going on for sure.
"Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010
"No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011
I made myself wealthy by other means and I entertain myself watching others tell others how to supposedly be smart.

Originally Posted by
That in part is why so many are leaving the culture of Cali for a more normal setting to live, work, worship and raise kids.
California population 2006 - 36,021,202
California population 2015 - 38,904,296
California population 2024 - 39,198,693
Mississippi population 2006 - 2,904,978
Mississippi population 2015 - 2,990,231
Mississippi population 2024 - 2,943,045
Cali has gained a Mississippi worth of population in the timeframe that Mississippi has gained 40k people.
"Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010
"No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

Originally Posted by
California population 2006 - 36,021,202
California population 2015 - 38,904,296
California population 2024 - 39,198,693
Mississippi population 2006 - 2,904,978
Mississippi population 2015 - 2,990,231
Mississippi population 2024 - 2,943,045
Cali has gained a Mississippi worth of population in the timeframe that Mississippi has gained 40k people.
Alot of their population growth is illegals. Millions have poured into the state. Meanwhile, the taxpayers and corporations are leaving
Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is
and now this latest fire just shines a light on their incompetence leading their people. Gonna see more people move away and it has probably ended Pretty Boy's presidential aspirations. What gross mismanagement resulting in millions of loss plus a few lives
Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is
01-08-2025, 10:45 PM
Tater knows. It's all part of his scheme on ED.
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