I guess we wait and see if any of these companies put the CEO out and make a woke terror supporting commercial so tater man can school us all with his unlimited mental faculties.

Originally Posted by
The Allstate CEO FAed, we see what he FOs. In the long run, I doubt this has much impact.
Just stick with, "our thoughts and prayers are with the victim's loved ones and all those effected." I have no idea what the thought process on the statement was. Sure what he said is true, but saying it in relation to this event was stupid.
I disagree. It was the perfect time to be said. It had to be said eventually, might as well do it as soon as possible. No one wants to hear that men in the US are having a problem, white men in particular. But they are. They are irrationally angry. They don't understand that our country is not a zero sum game. Hell they don't even know what a zero sum game is.
They have been told since the repeal of the fairness doctrine that they are losing this country. 24/7 conservative radio is not healthy. With megaphones Guys like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and really starting with Bill Cooper, this entire country lost it's shared humanity. I was raised to believe we are all in this together. My Christian beliefs demand that I not only help those that need it, but I hug those people everyone is trashing. That includes trans people. That includes the gayest guy you have ever seen. That includes rednecks. That includes black people and Muslims. None of us should be tearing anyone down. Jesus would not have done that. So the next time you get mad at Bud Light for retweeting a promotional video of a trans person drinking a bud light, remember, your reaction says more about you than Bud Light.
Remember the trans person wasn't waving their dick around, just drinking a beer. Are you mad you thought they were attractive before finding out?
The bigger issue for Allstate should be that their coverage sucks, because that is what really should matter to people that is paying them.
I also believe that people vote with their money and their feet. If you don't like what they said, for whatever reason, it is a free country. There is no reason to give them your money. But I will reiterate.... everything said in public is not an affront to you personally.
What I do, is just shake my head, have a chuckle about it, and remember that on the grand scheme of things to be up in arms about.....90% of this shit is done to just keep us distracted. Distracted from the things that actually matter. Family, Community, and the 50 people in my life I interact with. That is where life actually happens. Not on a pre-game speech or company that is trying to turn the tide of the conversation to what needs to be discussed. Men that feel like those actions are acceptable.
I am pretty much with you, I think . I feel you on Jesus meeting with and enter acting but do you think he would willingly tell them it's okay to be the way they are? He would always say to go and sin no more because I do not remember a passage stating to go and continue in sin. I think that probably covers the gays and trans and muslims you mention too. I know folks who are gays and trans and muslims etc and from my experience it is them who isn't very accepting of others but maybe that is just me and the gays and trans and muslims I know. maybe they all aren't that way? are you advocating that we as US citizens shouls accept the views of ISIS?

Originally Posted by
I am pretty much with you, I think . I feel you on Jesus meeting with and enter acting but do you think he would willingly tell them it's okay to be the way they are? He would always say to go and sin no more because I do not remember a passage stating to go and continue in sin. I think that probably covers the gays and trans and muslims you mention too. I know folks who are gays and trans and muslims etc and from my experience it is them who isn't very accepting of others but maybe that is just me and the gays and trans and muslims I know. maybe they all aren't that way? are you advocating that we as US citizens shouls accept the views of ISIS?
You started off decent and then ended up at a roundabout straw-man that's kinda weird. But I think you're being genuine today because that's the wordiest i've ever seen you comment. (I know that might read sarcastic, and I apologize for that if it does. I do mean that earnestly.)
I've met plenty of people of all different creeds, colors, and orientations. Plenty good. Plenty bad. It's never a pattern of any one thing that's good or bad. Hell, the worst person I had the displeasure of meeting in my life was someone else at State. A cis-gender white man. But, a gay man. And let me tell you, this dude sucked (and I'm not talking bout cocks, Cuck34 so you can stop reading this now). Now he was friend of friends cause I knew a few that rolled through parties back in college and somehow he was in good with some of the college ladies who got their tuition paid from working at the Pony. (The amount of strippers with a token gay best friend I've met since college is astonishing. I both understand and do not understand the dynamic, whatever.) I tried giving this dude multiple chances. I thought "he's a product of his upbringing. have to be tough. have to hate straight white men cause he was bullied his whole life." I thought maybe it's just a self fulfilling prophecy. Bigots hate gays and the gay man acts more flamboyant to piss off the bigots who hate the gay guy more who becomes more flamboyant... But as I came to know em more, I learned - dude was just awful. Break point was when he outed another friend of mine who was very much in the closet publicly. Now this person still one of the greatest men I've have the pleasure to be friends with. The pure hatred to do something so vile as that - I accepted that all walks of life just have an evil man.
Now this is where the Bible and I stop seeing eye to eye and there's plenty better Christians than me. Love thy Neighbor? Agreed. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone? Agreed. But love someone even if they are pure evil and hate your guts and want to murder you and will do it if given the opportunity? There's a reason Jesus is up on the cross and forgiving those who killed him and ole Tater ain't. He's a better man than me.
So ISIS? **** no, **** them.
But Trans / Gay people? Man who cares what the **** someone wants to do with a hidden appendage in the comfort of their own home.
People who flout their sexuality and make it their entire personality? Agreed I don't care to see that shit personally and will take my business elsewhere. That's why I was friends with the girls from the Pony, but never stepped in there. Keep that shit in the bedroom.
Does God really care about the bedroom? Some parts of the Old Testament seem to think so. New testament retcons it. I think there's bigger fish to fry when it comes to sinning (specifically shellfish iykyk). False Idols (Celeb worship), Judging, Hatred, Murder... they just feel "worse" to me. Sure you can say all sin is sin. But I'll just agree to disagree. If God thinks that some guy murdering 15+ on Bourbon street deserves the same exact eternal damnation as some dude kissing another dude... I'll lodge a complaint at the gate, call me a Karen idc.
Now, does that mean I wanna walk amongst it? No, not really. I want good friends. Now I agree it's weird when a girl shaves half her head and dies the other half neon green. I ain't interested and would rather talk to her brunette friend. But does she deserve eternal damnation for expressing herself and how she feels by altering a bodily appendage? Does the man who cuts his dick off to become a woman deserve it? Do I deserve it for shaving my beard? Does a soldier deserve it for losing his arm in battle? Where is the line there? I don't think there should be one.
And the trans bathroom / sports debate is so overblown. We can agree IF someone is doing that to get access to the girl's bathrooms or just to win a women's sport, there's nuance and they are a shitty shitty person. But most everyone of em I meet just want to feel happy, be loved, and enjoy life.
Unfortunately we meet assholes in plenty of spots. A sad truth is I've met the worst gays in the places where it's least tolerated. Living in Wisconsin - half of them that are gay you wouldn't even know it. Down in Mississippi every one of em is obvious. Again I don't know if it's that self fulfilling prophecy or what, but experience other places and it'll make more sense.
To wrap it up. **** ISIS, but that doesn't mean every Muslim is bad. I think the teachings of Islam are shit. But every walk of life will show you good and bad people. The internet shows you the worst.
"Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010
"No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011
Retarded Warren Buffet has now turned into a philosopher. Wonderful
Most people dont care if someone is gay or whatever. People just dont want that shit thrown in their face constantly. If you want to have a gay pride parade- have one I dont care. Do we need drag queen story hour with kids? No we dont. There is no "trans". A guy in a dress is a guy in a dress. A guy in a dress thats been castrated is still a castrated dude in a dress. A girl dressing up as a dude is a tomboy. I havent drank Bud Light for 20 years now- so having the dude on a can and that campaign absolutely didnt affect me in the least.
The problem starts when people start wanting to have these dudes going into women's bathrooms and prisons. These dudes in dresses playing women's sports. No. Nope. That crosses a line. That's where we have to draw the line at the insanity.
Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is

Originally Posted by
Retarded Warren Buffet has now turned into a philosopher. Wonderful
Most people dont care if someone is gay or whatever. People just dont want that shit thrown in their face constantly. If you want to have a gay pride parade- have one I dont care. Do we need drag queen story hour with kids? No we dont. There is no "trans". A guy in a dress is a guy in a dress. A guy in a dress thats been castrated is still a castrated dude in a dress. A girl dressing up as a dude is a tomboy. I havent drank Bud Light for 20 years now- so having the dude on a can and that campaign absolutely didnt affect me in the least.
The problem starts when people start wanting to have these dudes going into women's bathrooms and prisons. These dudes in dresses playing women's sports. No. Nope. That crosses a line. That's where we have to draw the line at the insanity.
While my majors were in engineering, I did get a minor in philosophy from this school. Remind me which degree you got from State again?
Edit: The bathroom debate is stupid and borne out of fear. If we just had port-a-johns / solo unisex bathroooms everywhere it would be fixed. I don't want random unmarried message board warrior 50 year-olds in the same bathroom as my 5 year old son for the same reason people purport to not want transgender women in the women's bathroom. It's not a trans issue. It's a shitty bathroom design in the name of efficiency (urinal troughs are super efficient but it takes one pedo to ruin it in the men's room). Stop acting like it's a trans debate/issue.
Last edited by Tater; 01-07-2025 at 08:22 PM.
"Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010
"No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

Originally Posted by
It's in regards to the Allstate message before the Sugar Bowl. He basically was calling out Americans and making it sound like their fault that some crazed brain washed ISIS lunatic committed an act of terror on Tuesday night. Said Americans need to "overcome their addiction to divisiveness" and "accept people's differences". It was a god awful message and whoever told him to put that out should be fired on the damn spot. I can't believe there wasn't a hand raise guy somewhere along the chain of command for that message that wasn't like, "Hey guys, maybe let's not do this. Maybe let's just say our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the city of New Orleans and will be in the weeks and months to come." Literally the easiest statement to make.
Not defending Allstate - but I suspect his "message" was done before the New Orleans massacre and they just decided to run with it, along with a few words in sympathy at the start that were just added on. They never should have done what the did.

Originally Posted by
I have USAA, they are high as a cat's back, but pay out well when there is a claim. A couple of years ago after a hail storm, USAA more than treated me fairly, my neighbors with State Farm fought for months. State Farm only wanted to place parts of the roof.
I had some serious damage from a storm late in the summer of 2023 and State Farm paid off very well. The adjuster insisted that they replace the entire roof. I would have done that anyway, but it was nice for them to pay the entire bill. They even paid for emergency cleanup, which was quite expensive. I've been with them forever, so that might have had something to do with it.

Originally Posted by
You started off decent and then ended up at a roundabout straw-man that's kinda weird. But I think you're being genuine today because that's the wordiest i've ever seen you comment. (I know that might read sarcastic, and I apologize for that if it does. I do mean that earnestly.)
I've met plenty of people of all different creeds, colors, and orientations. Plenty good. Plenty bad. It's never a pattern of any one thing that's good or bad. Hell, the worst person I had the displeasure of meeting in my life was someone else at State. A cis-gender white man. But, a gay man. And let me tell you, this dude sucked (and I'm not talking bout cocks, Cuck34 so you can stop reading this now). Now he was friend of friends cause I knew a few that rolled through parties back in college and somehow he was in good with some of the college ladies who got their tuition paid from working at the Pony. (The amount of strippers with a token gay best friend I've met since college is astonishing. I both understand and do not understand the dynamic, whatever.) I tried giving this dude multiple chances. I thought "he's a product of his upbringing. have to be tough. have to hate straight white men cause he was bullied his whole life." I thought maybe it's just a self fulfilling prophecy. Bigots hate gays and the gay man acts more flamboyant to piss off the bigots who hate the gay guy more who becomes more flamboyant... But as I came to know em more, I learned - dude was just awful. Break point was when he outed another friend of mine who was very much in the closet publicly. Now this person still one of the greatest men I've have the pleasure to be friends with. The pure hatred to do something so vile as that - I accepted that all walks of life just have an evil man.
Now this is where the Bible and I stop seeing eye to eye and there's plenty better Christians than me. Love thy Neighbor? Agreed. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone? Agreed. But love someone even if they are pure evil and hate your guts and want to murder you and will do it if given the opportunity? There's a reason Jesus is up on the cross and forgiving those who killed him and ole Tater ain't. He's a better man than me.
So ISIS? **** no, **** them.
But Trans / Gay people? Man who cares what the **** someone wants to do with a hidden appendage in the comfort of their own home.
People who flout their sexuality and make it their entire personality? Agreed I don't care to see that shit personally and will take my business elsewhere. That's why I was friends with the girls from the Pony, but never stepped in there. Keep that shit in the bedroom.
Does God really care about the bedroom? Some parts of the Old Testament seem to think so. New testament retcons it. I think there's bigger fish to fry when it comes to sinning (specifically shellfish iykyk). False Idols (Celeb worship), Judging, Hatred, Murder... they just feel "worse" to me. Sure you can say all sin is sin. But I'll just agree to disagree. If God thinks that some guy murdering 15+ on Bourbon street deserves the same exact eternal damnation as some dude kissing another dude... I'll lodge a complaint at the gate, call me a Karen idc.
Now, does that mean I wanna walk amongst it? No, not really. I want good friends. Now I agree it's weird when a girl shaves half her head and dies the other half neon green. I ain't interested and would rather talk to her brunette friend. But does she deserve eternal damnation for expressing herself and how she feels by altering a bodily appendage? Does the man who cuts his dick off to become a woman deserve it? Do I deserve it for shaving my beard? Does a soldier deserve it for losing his arm in battle? Where is the line there? I don't think there should be one.
And the trans bathroom / sports debate is so overblown. We can agree IF someone is doing that to get access to the girl's bathrooms or just to win a women's sport, there's nuance and they are a shitty shitty person. But most everyone of em I meet just want to feel happy, be loved, and enjoy life.
Unfortunately we meet assholes in plenty of spots. A sad truth is I've met the worst gays in the places where it's least tolerated. Living in Wisconsin - half of them that are gay you wouldn't even know it. Down in Mississippi every one of em is obvious. Again I don't know if it's that self fulfilling prophecy or what, but experience other places and it'll make more sense.
To wrap it up. **** ISIS, but that doesn't mean every Muslim is bad. I think the teachings of Islam are shit. But every walk of life will show you good and bad people. The internet shows you the worst.
Well the thing I think a lot of people miss is a sin is a sin and the fact of the matter is WE are not the judge. GOD is.
There isn't anything in the Bible that specifically says that "you kiss a guy you go to hell. You kill someone you go to hell. You steal some money you don't go to hell but it's a sin." It's not like our laws where it's "OK you killed someone and if you plead guilty you get life in prison and if you plead innocent and you lose the trial you get the death penalty." All God asks for is that you have a relationship with HIM and ask for forgiveness. After all, Moses killed an Egyptian soldier and I'm 99.9% sure that he is in Heaven right now.
The fact of the matter is it's man who assigns "how bad" sins are in reality.

Originally Posted by
Lord McBuckethead
No one wants to hear that men in the US are having a problem, white men in particular. But they are. They are irrationally angry. They don't understand that our country is not a zero sum game. Hell they don't even know what a zero sum game is.
They have been told since the repeal of the fairness doctrine that they are losing this country. 24/7 conservative radio is not healthy. .
Didn't you learn anything from the election? Calling white men the biggest threat to the democracy as a campaign slogan worked out well for the left. 24/7 of any one sided view is not healthy, no matter which side you take. Both sides are angry and to single out one group shows your agenda. Plus, why would white men be mad when they just won the election?
The most intelligent business people I know didn't attend college, so having a degree and somehow matching education to a moral stance doesn't fly. What divisiveness was all state referencing then if the commercial was taped prior to the terror attack in NOLA? I'm not angry so is lordbuckhead angry?

Originally Posted by
I had some serious damage from a storm late in the summer of 2023 and State Farm paid off very well. The adjuster insisted that they replace the entire roof. I would have done that anyway, but it was nice for them to pay the entire bill. They even paid for emergency cleanup, which was quite expensive. I've been with them forever, so that might have had something to do with it.
State Farm is very hit or miss. All companies when you get to a certain size are, but they take it to another level. It's like they roll the dice and most of the time you just get run of the mill service, a very small percentage of the time you get outstanding, above and beyond treatment, and then a much larger percentage of the time it's like they decide they are going to try to act like a caricature of an evil insurance company. I assume it's based on who individually is handling your claim but I have no clue how that works with how they handle caseload, because you can have similar incidents in the same area and it clearly goes several levels up the chain without getting to a common decision maker. I've seen enough of them to know I won't ever use them. There's just realistically never going to be enough of a discount compared to other options to justify essentially paying for the right to litigate against them if you are one of the unlucky ones they decide they want to 17.

Originally Posted by
Retarded Warren Buffet has now turned into a philosopher. Wonderful
Most people dont care if someone is gay or whatever. People just dont want that shit thrown in their face constantly. If you want to have a gay pride parade- have one I dont care. Do we need drag queen story hour with kids? No we dont. There is no "trans". A guy in a dress is a guy in a dress. A guy in a dress thats been castrated is still a castrated dude in a dress. A girl dressing up as a dude is a tomboy. I havent drank Bud Light for 20 years now- so having the dude on a can and that campaign absolutely didnt affect me in the least.
The problem starts when people start wanting to have these dudes going into women's bathrooms and prisons. These dudes in dresses playing women's sports. No. Nope. That crosses a line. That's where we have to draw the line at the insanity.
Agree. People just don?t like ant it shoved down your throat and you specifically children. Children are incapable of making many decisions and are very malleable.
America is addicted to divisiveness right now. The political vile and the 24-hour news cycle proves it. That could've very easily been a part of the speech before the terror attack... it's relevant either way. I agree with him that we, as a country, need to start focusing and celebrating what brings us together and unifies us a little more and stop broadcasting what differentiates us and divides us a little more.
The crazy black and white whacknut conservatives and flighty-ass overly sensitive lunatic liberals get all the headlines. Nobody puts normal people on TV anymore.
I realize this is "political" but it's not really a polarizing "political stance." I'm joining the Rodney King political party of "Can't we just all get along"...

Originally Posted by
Agree. People just don?t like ant it shoved down your throat and you specifically children. Children are incapable of making many decisions and are very malleable.
Children your concern? This is the stuff that baffles me. Transgenders are not the problem and neither are homosexuals. This ain't new, we have known it for decades about the coverups of the Catholics but if you think it's limited to them, you are sadly mistaken. You should check out the Baptist convention situation then:
Go look at arrests and convictions of pedophiles in this country. Here's a hint, they are not gay or transgender. You will find youth ministers, pastors, coaches, sports trainers etc.. What you won't find is transgenders. You know why? Pedophiles don't cut off their appendages. There may have been one last year but he/she was also a clergyman.
The bigger problem is we don't teach our boys to keep their dick in their pants and blame girls for dressing provocative if they get attacked. Rape is reported infrequently and rarely convicted. Rape is so common that we elected a rapist as our next President. Do not tell me Trump ain't a rapist as he told us he was a sex-offender when he bragged about grabbing women's privates to random people on a bus. That's on video. Then he lost the lawsuit where he tried to sue E Jean Carroll for saying he raped her. Not only did the prove he raped her but two more women as well. Then he was on both P Diddy's and Ebstein's guest lists. Anyone not knowing Trump is a sex offender is lying to themselves.
So, no... this country is not Christian and anyone thinking so should have voted for someone doing what Jesus said do. Start by caring for the poor and that is the opposite of what is about to happen.

Originally Posted by
Political Hack
America is addicted to divisiveness right now. The political vile and the 24-hour news cycle proves it. That could've very easily been a part of the speech before the terror attack... it's relevant either way. I agree with him that we, as a country, need to start focusing and celebrating what brings us together and unifies us a little more and stop broadcasting what differentiates us and divides us a little more.
The crazy black and white whacknut conservatives and flighty-ass overly sensitive lunatic liberals get all the headlines. Nobody puts normal people on TV anymore.
I realize this is "political" but it's not really a polarizing "political stance." I'm joining the Rodney King political party of "Can't we just all get along"...
The 24-hour news cycle and social media is certainly an exacerbating factor, but I would not say America is addicted to divisiveness. There is a portion of American that views everything through an identity based lense and their entire focus is on how the government is favoring one group over others. Then there is the almost complete abandonment of the idea that there is anything that shouldn't be dictated by politics. Thirty years ago, there was a legitimate argument that people on the right were the ones that wanted the government meddling in personal business. The people on the right haven't gotten much better (they've shifted pretty hard on decriminalizing marijuana and same sex marriage and related issues, but it's not really a philosophical switch where they decided the government was overreaching; it was just a political shift), but people on the left have gotten 1,000 times worse. They went from at least pretending to believe that individual liberty existed outside of economic transactions, to believing that the government has the right to dictate how much broccoli you eat. You had longstanding social conventions (e.g., go to the bathroom of the sex you can pass for) that they decided should be revoked and addressed by law. They abandoned any support for RFRA and the idea that there should be any accommodation for religious belief or practice (at least if you are not part of the right identity group) and actually countenanced purposefully burdening religious exercise to make a point (e.g. birth control litigation). The COVID stuff was when they got the nastiest, doing things like essentially required people that had recovered from COVID within the past 3 months for not getting a shot, despite them having better immunity than people that had gotten one shot 12 months prior. Or applying the vaccine mandate for government contractors for remote workers.
It's no longer feasible for most people to just pay taxes but otherwise more or less ignore the government and go about their business. Basically everybody that works or has a family member work for a government contractor, a healthcare facility taking medicare or medicaid, works for a elementary or secondary public school or private or public institute of higher learning, or one of the military branches is at risk of being collateral damage (or targeted damage).
Stop telling people what kind of water heater they can buy, stop trying to compel people to participate in speech they don't agree with, stop telling people that their rights depend on which identity group they belong to, and stop going out of your way to use government powers discomfort people you don't like rather than just trying to accomplish legitimate government interests like the provision of public goods, and you'd see a lot less people being "divisive".
"It is not courage to resist TUSK; It is courage to accept TUSK."
Easy there buddy. Tusk is...well Tusk is Tusk. Tireddawg 12.20.17

Originally Posted by
I'm in.....
RIP Dynasty
"We will have no problem in handling Kentucky."-Turfdawg67. MSU suffered a 27-17 defeat in 2022 with 225 yards in total offense.

Originally Posted by
And yet the stock stayed relatively flat. Which is where it really impacts their pocketbook. If you produce less in anticipation of a boycott, you spend less. Revenue dropping $1.4 billion when operating costs drop $1.5 billion still means a net profit of $0.1 billion. And the stock price is the true measure of if a boycott was successful longterm.
Coors in the last 12 months is down $6. Bud is down $16. But yeah great idea for the ad. ....
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