Quote Originally Posted by Cooterpoot View Post
Because there is no winner. Both sides suck.
Honestly, and I know this will never happen, but things will never improve as long as there is a "us versus them" mentality. People need to stop determining if they will listen to someone based on the R or the D next to their name. We are all people. We are all Americans. It's time to grow up, put our big boy pants on, and act like it. Once this country, and I'm including politicians as the main group, decides to stop fighting each other, and arguing nonstop because, "you're a Republican, therefor you're wrong" or "you're a Democrat, therefor you're wrong", the possibilities are endless. Growing up, one of the main things taught is that we should put aside our differences and work together to make things better and to make things right and to take ideas from both sides. When that way of life ended is when this county, and its leaders, began to fail everyone who lives in it.