Quote Originally Posted by msstate7 View Post
Guess what... I hope it's open by Easter too. Lots of my family and friends are headed for hard times. Am I willing to "throw the weak and old to the wolves"? No, but if the economy is down too long, we throwing a crap load of the old, young, and in between to the wolves. Not everyone has a government job.
Everyone's financial future is thrown to the wolves regardless of if we prematurely open businesses back up or not. It ****ing sucks and why the government needs to take strong decisive action to protect people. Your friend that runs a restaurant or a boutique clothing store or whatever, opening it up for Easter ain't saving their business cause people aren't going to be venturing out to these businesses with covid-19 still a threat. Anyone that still views this through the lens of "fixing" the economic fallout without fixing covid-19 first is refusing to accept reality.
