Quote Originally Posted by Extendedcab View Post
Other causes are the breakdown of the family, single parent homes where gangs are filling the role of father - like father like son and the lack of morality as the bible is not taught at home nor in the schools - since the 1960s that is.

I aso, like my extended family, grew up very poor in rural Mississippi and we were not gang members, thugs, robbers, murderers or other such criminals. Poverty is an excuse the liberals like to use to justify wealth redistribution - more government programs that are not sustainable and that rob a man of his self esteem. No need to work low income jobs (due to no education or professional skills) when the government will give you the same amount of money to sit on your butt.

All of the stats Sheldon shows focus only on the symptoms and not the root cause.

You missed the whole fcuking point.

I knew you would. Your self worth depends on it.