Quote Originally Posted by Dawgology View Post
He wasn't a quack. You may disagree with him but that doesn't equate to him being a dumbass or a quack. It just means you have a different opinion or don't understand his theory completely...which a good scientist will welcome as it leads to growth and development of theories. I see this argument made a lot in Mississippi by those that lack higher education. Those with advanced educations are often referred to as "lacking common sense" or they "don't have street smarts just book smarts". I think this stems from a lack of education in and appreciation of science in Mississippi. That lack can be attributed to multiple reasons that I don't want to get in to here. There are great and wonderful thinkers in this world and their ideas and theories have led to amazing advancements in the medical field, technology, and understanding our universe and our place in it. Just because they don't know how to change the oil in a vehicle or plow a field doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. Also, a lot of people in the South mistake confidence for arrogance for whatever reason.
You're reading too much into what I said. Don't over-think it.