Quote Originally Posted by Coach34 View Post
We shouldn’t need a QB for depth- we have Rogers, Greek, Robertson, Locke, and Weir. Only way you bring in a QB is to compete for the job or you aren’t happy with your QB room.
I guess here is where the disconnect is:

Leach-Lovers try to act like he has already matched where Mullen had the program- which is not true. They try to bring down Mullen by saying "Mullen only averaged 7 wins at State...blah blah blah". This is Leach's 1st 8 win season- achieved in Y3- while Mullen did it in Y2.

In truth- Mullen won 8 or more games 5 times and in 3 of his 4 last seasons. Plus, he had built 2018's team into a special one. Mullen had really built the program up and his leaving really hurt considering his replacement was sub-par.

Leach may get it back to that point- but it's not there yet.