Quote Originally Posted by Johnson85 View Post
So playing football and having an 8-5 summer job are basically incompatible? That sucks. I suspect a job would benefit a lot of kids more than playing football, and doing both seems better.
hahaha- you serious Clark? A very small percentage of kids would get an 8-5 job even if someone would hire them. Nor would their parents make them altho some do work part-time. Our biggest problem is the kids staying up till 4-5am playing XBox online against their friends and then being too sleepy to come to workout.

That doesnt even include the kids playing 7 on 7 in the summer, traveling around the city, state, and other states....summer basketball for about 50 games 3-4 days a week, and your baseball players playing 60 games a summer.

Kids need to be kids. They have the rest of their life to be a worker bee to pay the government tax coffers so Pelosi can fly to the Far East to start a war on a whim