Quote Originally Posted by SheltonChoked View Post
What" effective treatment plan". You mean the non fda approved use of Monoclonal anitbodies? Or do you mean the care you get in a hospital for Covid?

Or are you talking about Hydroxycholoquine, livestock wormer and sunshine?

I'm all for a good treatment. but not just made up shit you read on facebook...

And since you are so well versed on virus mutation, please explain how the current mutation, Delta has anything to do with vaccination.

The current variant is Delta, It was first found in India in December. India did not begin vaccinations until Mid January. So unless the Delta variant time travels, VAccination had nothing to do with the delta variant.

Again, prevention is more effective than a cure. If I hand you a vial of anthrax, will you open it? There are effective treatments. Or will you Prevent by not opening the vial?
You are missing the point yet making mine for me at the same time. You are so busy with your narrative that you don?t listen to anyone else?therefore you don?t comprehend. Vaccination AND effective treatment are not an either/or deal. Both are needed. Treatment is being neglected. You were ok taking a vaccine not approved by the FDA but you aren?t ok taking a treatment not approved? Hypocritical much?

The vaccine is not going to make it go away. It is not that simple. Viruses mutate under pressure. The more they mutate they form new variants. The more people that get vaccinated the more pressure that is being put on the virus to mutate. By the time every person in the country gets vaccinated, a new resistant variant will form. The US is the perfect storm for virus mutation right now and yes that is due to the growing number of vaccinations. Vaccinated people are largely responsible for the spread of the Delta variant. Why? Because the CDC said you are vaccinated so you can take your mask off. Meanwhile, they are walking around sick, maybe asymptomatic with very contagious loads coming out their nose. Oops?put your mask back on. But you knew this would happen right? Surely the CDC did too. Of course unvaccinated people are spreading it too but they are most likely pretty sick and hopefully quarantined.