Quote Originally Posted by Rex54 View Post
You're completely wrong. The Cold War was an A-B test to see which system worked better for control. Capitalism won. Your masters are much more hidden and behind the scenes in our system but the same level of control over normalcy, civilization, culture etc remains. The biggest thing that eliminates the middle class is their simultaneous importing of millions while sending labor overseas. Higher cost of living and lower wages. It's not "the government" making policy, it's the capitalist oligarchs. Donors play the tune and politicians dance. The government has no intention of taking over business you moron, business is in complete control. You have no more culture, you only have mass consumerism, because of the capitalists.
That is an idiotic statement, governments drive corporate behavior by financial policy. Increase the tax rate, companies move overseas to countries with a lower tax rate and they also get to take advantage of a lower labor rate - it is a double benefit for companies. And before you criticize corporate America, you would do the same thing if you were subject to the most assinying stupid policies the world has ever seen. Government drives prosperity to other countries at the peril of their on! What the hell is wrong with this picture?