Quote Originally Posted by Prediction? Pain. View Post
I've only seen a couple but they're doozies. Arrival is phenomenal.

I haven't read Dune. My mom was a fan, I think, and it always seemed like something I'd dig if I'd just get off my lazy ass and put in the time. (I read so much at work that I have a hard time reading serious literature for pleasure. Or at least that's the lame excuse I keep using for myself.) I may have half seen Lynch's version at some point in college or high school. I remember weirdness and falling asleep.

Also, hat tip to whoever decided to use some Floyd in the trailer. I almost think that the orchestral remix/redo was unnecessary and that straight Floyd would've more than sufficed, like in the trailer for Roma. Maybe the remaining band members are far enough along to start loosening the strings on movie licensing. Tons of their music would be perfect for scores, as the fangeeks already know from the movies More, La Vallee, and Zabriskie Point and the TV show Legion.
One of the biggest problems with Lynch's version is trying to compress it into one movie. You had to have read the book(s) to understand what was going on.