If you really didn't give a shit, you would have just posted "I don't give a shit" or you wouldn't have posted at all. My reading is just fine, thanks.
Quote Originally Posted by CadaverDawg View Post
Gaining acceptance? Get a clue.

Treated fairly? Oh, you mean by having a big announcement ceremony about their sexuality? That is more than "fair" I would say. Especially when no straight people get a media circus for saying they're straight.

And as for your contradictory statement...you must not be able to read. My problem isn't that he's gay, my problem is that he is getting praised for it like he walked on water. And yes, as a Christian that doesn't believe people can be born gay...I don't want my children to turn on the TV and 9/10 shows have people in gay sexual type scenes as if it's the way it's supposed to be. It's not, in my opinion. That's why 4% of America is Gay, yet 96% of "family TV" is about gay acceptance it seems.

We get it, people can be gay. That's your prerogative, but don't act like gays are still treated unfairly when they dominate the media, and every time someone "comes out" it's a damn National event.

Hell, I'm sure a certain percent of Americans have Chinese decent, but every time someone says they're part Chinese we don't have a press release. Quit acting like if you're gay you're special. You want fair, fair is that you are no more deserving of attention for your sexuality than anyone else. So quit expecting it.