Okay, first off, it= sec west. Second, if you had to bet, who do you think wins if? Crazy tight. I wanna say rockets have a good chance to come out (Born in houston, dad was leading marketing for them in early 90's w Hakeem/ Otis/ the Jet days, big rockets fan), but it's hard to say. I think ariza is an upgrade over parsons, josh smith/terrance jones are a solid 4 combo, best scorer in the league, but the Warriors look damn good. What do yall think about the NBA west, both as fans and trying to be objective. Mavs made big headway w rondo trade, clips have potential, Spurs will be around, etc....

What do the rest of the NBA fans here think???? Feel like we have good hoops people here, and am lacking in NBA talk. What yall feelin??