First you have the whole ribeye wrapped. Pro tip: a lot of folks don't know prime rib is just slow roasted ribeye (instead of grilled). Same cut of meat though.

Next I flip it over. Notice the marbling. You have to season the whole thing: top, bottom, & ends.

Now I have it flipped fat side up and completely seasoned. I rub it down in olive oil and then liberally coat with salt, pepper, and a smidge of granulated garlic. You don't want to go too crazy with weird seasonings. You buy a piece of meat like this for the meat, not some fancy marinade. Always cook fat side up so the fat drips onto the meat throughout cooking.

Side shot of meat in the slow roaster. I did 200 degrees and left it overnight. I think it made it about 12 hours. Notice how its on a small rack to keep it off the pan. You want it elevated so it's not directly cooking in its own juices.

Now we have a top shot of the finished product. The seasonings forms a crust of sorts on the meat.

Lastly, slice it hot and immediately to the table. That's a beautiful med rare.

Hope y'all enjoyed that. I promise you, this is one of the easiest things in the world to cook. Cannot screw it up if you buy a good piece of meat.