Quote Originally Posted by somebodyshotmypaw View Post
It would be to me. Getting fired from a job because I didn't perform to expectations would certainly be embarrassing to me. I have a high standard for myself. The money is not the issue. The issue is I performed so poorly that they want me gone. And in Mullen's case, they were willing to pay him to go away.
Glad you have that ethos, but for me when the money hit the table it'll cure the embarrassment. But I've always had a IDGF attitude, others opinions, other than my wife's/kid's, have never meant anything to me. What one perceives as other's opinions is what causes embarrassment for the most part. In my younger days, I may have had your same attitude, but I'm getting ready to shut it down in the next year, so my IDGF meter keeps expanding.

Mullen is a smarmy little b!tch, he certainly don't care other's think.