saddened and disappointed in My University. My family is 3 generations of Bulldogs. Got one daughter there now and another probably on the way unless this continues to spiral.

MSU has lost it's care for people. Freshmen in the dorm that get Covid are kicked out in the streets and out of class with no way to do school. In some majors that could fail you for the semester. Not only that but many will be homeless and living out of their cars. Heck let Rice Hall be opened for a Covid ward if that is what it takes.

Where is our humanity? Do we really treat our fellow brothers and sisters like this? A freshman in college is hard enough.

Take the FAMILY BS out at MSU slogans if this is who we are now. This ain't how you treat family. Really disappointed in Keenum's leadership.

This is not a Covid/Vaccine thread. This is about treating people respectfully and humanely and caring about others. Yes I know the stunt is about trying to force kids to take a vaccine that is only 40% effective against a virus that doesn't even hurt kids.