Quote Originally Posted by StateDawg44 View Post
I guess "totally effective" would be a better choice of words. Let's try to twist words and make people seem like they are being extreme though. Let me try....

So your scenario paints the false picture that 100% of the people who don't get the vaccine will wind up with severe symptoms. And in the hospital. On the vent. And eventually die. Obviously that's false. But since we are working in extremes to "die" on our hills then why not go there?

Will they all wind up in ICU? Absolutely not. The absolute vast majority and it's not even an argument will be just fine. In the grand scheme of things, small samples that contract the virus will actually wind up in the hospital and get put on the ventilator also. There are lots out there that are. I understand and that is awful. But there are 100 fold more recovering just fine and most will recover at their house that have made the same choice. And after getting sent back home with no actual treatment when they do visit a doctor. Fractions of fractions wind up like some of you make it seem like it's a guarantee. Without a doubt to some.

So how many of those individuals that didn't get the vax also had "other debilitating factors" prior to getting Covid? That's certainly not recorded or reported.

Yes, the vaccination has proven to help with symptoms. Absolutely. I'm not saying don't get it if someone want to. But it still allows people with the shot to asymptomatically spread it to others. What happened to the vaccination being there to slow or stop the spread? Especially when the vaccinated can spread it. Has the narrative changed to just..... get it, or else?
Getting vaccinated decreases your chance of dying of covid by 27x.

You still don't get that vaccination absolutely decreases the spread. Vaccinated people are contagious 6 days. Unvaccinated are contagious for 18 days. That's spreading 3x as long.

Again, we have done this before with Polio, Measles, Chickenpox. All of which are extremely rare today due to vaccinations. Why do you think Covid will be different?


Measles is a virus, transmitted by coughing and sneezing droplets, and is 2x as contagious as Delta Covid. and because 99.99% of people get 3-4 MMR vaccines (only 94%effective), we had a huge breakthrough of cases in 2019 of 1,200 cases in the usa.

That's what vaccines do.