Elo Chess ranking of 301 (out of 302)
RPI of 262
Record 1-16
Team Batting Average of 0.164 (1 guy hits over .300, 3 guys over .200, the rest are .200 or below)
Average scoring 2.12 runs per game
Average giving up 7.76 runs per game
Team ERA is 6.99 (3 guys with more than a couple of innings with ERAs under 4.00, most of the ERAs are atrocious)
They K at a high rate at 176, while only striking out 129.
They walk at a low rate at 67, while giving up 92.
OB% is only 0.274, opponents rate is 0.404.
They have stolen 29 bases though (on 40 attempts). Based on such a putrid OB%, they must attempt a steal darn near every time they get on base.

All this against absolutely horrid competition. The guys need to take this opportunity to show out.

In summary, we probably win 2-1 or something. Ha.