Quote Originally Posted by jdelta02 View Post
(Our Father sees the bigger picture, he's the actual author..he cares about the people that coach and play, fans, ect...concerns them..it concerns him) This bigger than basketball, sports.... Talkers and haters hurt people emotionally and other ways, create doubts, ect....spiritual. Also, people have been bashing Coach McCray-Penson on Twitter. Saw where people were even bashing the clothes she wears to games. A good bit of Miss. State fans are hating on the fact that she and her players took a stand regarding the racial tension, climate going on in the United States, other places in the world...they take different views, have sided against her, rooting for her to fail, bad mouthing her on media platforms, ect. Coach McCray-Penson has overcome cancer and other life challenges..our Heavenly Father has been with her, through it all, and now at Miss. State dealing with fans hating on her stance regarding the the racial climate, also..her being a black woman taking over Coach Schaefer's job, ect....he's still with her

My Heavenly Father is always with us, involved in every aspect of everything we're involved in (including sports)...regardless wins or losses, he's concerned about us....if it concerns us it concerns him....he's Spirit, within our being.
delta, I appreciate your passion for our women's basketball. I love basketball too but you may have stepped off one step too far on this. I think we agree on many things but just the weighting is off.

Yes God is involved in everything to some level - He either causes it or allows it. Trying to explain and think we understand God's sovereignty is a subject we can't really do justice. God is also mysterious and His ways and thoughts are way bigger than man's ways.

The racial stuff is way out of whack and misapplied by many that contradicts much of the Bible. False guilt is wrong. Generalzed guilt is also wrong. We are all guilty before God. Racism can be practiced by all not just white people. Racism is also mostly an act of the heart. People are calling people racist because they are white or a cop or whatever. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Way too much to get into here but you keep pushing the racism thing. Vic took heat too so are we racist against Vic because he is a white man? How do you come to the conclusion that people critique her and it is just because she is a black woman? You can't see anyone's heart only God. You need to step it back some.

Yes God is with us but He ain't with those that don't stand for righteousness. God will never leave His followers but He will also not support His followers when they are unrighteous and do wrong.

I haven't seen anyone wanting her to fail, actually the opposite. MSU fans want their team, players, coaches to succeed because they love MSU. When the coaches fall short (not just lose a game) in any area, we call for better because that is what we expect, not because anyone is racist. Everyone today wants to play the race card anytime something happens they disagree. This must stop, that is racist in itself. Like Morgan Freeman said once, want to stop racism, stop talking about it. There is only one race - human race that God created.

Yes fans of every school or people not just MSU can be mean spirited at times or whatever. It has to do with who we are as people not special to MSU. MSU is good people for the most part with a much better culture on campus than most schools.

There will always be haters. Jesus said, the world will hate you because of Me. We don't sling insults back though. I am guilty of it sometimes myself.