Quote Originally Posted by Lord McBuckethead View Post
If we look at this as purely a student athlete / student issue, then why can't they make whatever money they can in college. No other student on campus is refused the opportunity to make money anyway legally they can and still be a student on scholarship. Another thing, all students can transfer whenever they want. they may lose credits, but as long as they are accepted to the new university or college, they can transfer. Why not football players?
The issue with football in particular is the amount of money they are making the universities. If college football was still operating on the scale they were in the 40s when most of the rules were first established..... then sure they are compensated enough. The game is totally different now than it was just 10 years ago on the amount of revenue generated with these athletes. If they remove all restrictions on going to the NFL, then I say keep them as amateurs. If they have to wait unitl they are 21, then allow them to make money. That would give them a free market to go to the nfl if they want.

Now, if someone tries to go to the nfl and doesn't make it, they should be able to return to school. no doubt.
Football players can transfer if they want to. They can't play for a year (but they can now come up with an excuse that will allow them to play), but they can transfer, assuming they can get accepted into school. There's nothing stopping them.