Quote Originally Posted by SheltonChoked View Post
And if we find out that school aged children do spread COVID to each other and also to parents, grandparents, other caregivers, and less healthy populations inside and outside of school, it would be nice to have the option to not overwhelm our medical system.... Again....

It depends. Based on where we are now, in Houston Metro, kids should be back on learn from home.

If we can get back to the level we were in early May, and everyone will wear a mask, then I could see some sort of in class instruction.

But the USA has shown we are not mature enough to follow basic instructions.
Did you really expect people to sit in their houses til we have a vaccine? I mean how asinine and na?ve are you to believe that was a possibility. A rise in cases was going to happen, it was inevitable. We're testing at a rate that is triple most other countries. It's past time to get back to living life. Let people make their own choices regarding they and their family's safety. No one is forcing parents to send their kids back to school in the fall just as no one is forcing people to go to a ballgame. Most administrators I've talked to have plans in place to handle any type of situation. If you want to hole your kid up for the rest of time, then I'm sure the school will be more than accommodating towards distance learning.