Quote Originally Posted by Commercecomet24 View Post
I have a real fear that this is only the beginning. At some point the American Flag, statues And monuments of the founders of this great nation, statues and monuments of American war hero's and other significant people will come under fire(heck it already is in some places),and that's when it's gonna get really ugly. We need change in some areas, yes, and issues that have to be fixed for sure and it's overdue in some areas, but there's a point where the destruction has to stop.
Respectfully, I just can't buy into this argument, CC. The United States has a legacy of progress. Is our country perfect? No, of course not. We've made mistakes, made them again, but always seem to get things right in the end (as we will with the current turbulence). America rid itself of slavery, has made strides in civil rights, women's rights, education, technology, and continues to help make the world a better place. That's what the American Flag represents. You can't even remotely say the same about anything connected to the Confederacy. Nada. That's the difference here. And it's the key one.