Quote Originally Posted by Dawgology View Post
You have literally NO reading comprehension. Castille is an example of WHAT IS WRONG!!!! It was a bad shoot. He was in the wrong. He should have been tried and charged. Not acquitted. But that is largely on the JUDICIAL SYSTEM. The police cannot acquit. That is up to a judge and jury. Not law enforcement...good grief.

Cops DO NOT defend bad apples. I have PERSONALLY put bad cops in JAIL and had even more suspended or fired. I have collegues that have done the same. It's just that the media never covers that aspect of it. A lot of that they CAN'T cover because it is covered by privacy laws that are a constitutional right of every citizen in the US. Maybe we should just start announcing "hey media and citizens! We are investigating some information on Officer Joe and Officer Bob regarding some intel we got about them being dirty! We will be surveilling them on this date and this time and also seizing their phones to further our investigation on this date! Jsut wanted everyone to know!!" YES...there are BAD law enforcement officers that get into the ranks or get involved with bad stuff once they get on the force. Most agencies actively work to identify those and get rid of them. A complaint does not equal a bad officer. It's just a complaint. Most are based on a citizens hurt feelings. Most brutalization complaints are filed as part of civil suits by subjects who FOUGHT the police as they were being arrested. It's a money grab. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings but it's actual ****ing reality. Case in point: If Brooks had not been shot (but had fought the police and subsequently been tased during the chase) he would have probably filed a brualization complaint to found a civil suit against the department to try to grab some cash. I've literally seen this happen dozens upon dozens of time.

Your misinformed assumption is that every complaint against every officer is real. That's just not the truth. Your assumption is that we don't really investigate it. Or that we cover everything up. These are all assumptions. You are literally not involved at any level with any of those investigations.

As I said earlier. Anyone can complain about anything on an officer. Some of them are real. Some of them are misunderstandings. Some of them are complete fabrications. 10% doesnt' mean shit because based on investigation by local , state, and federal entities under 5% of that 10% total are actually justifiable complaints. So under 4,000 justifiable complaints and most of those actually center around policy violations and breach of 4th or 5th amendment rights. As I've stated before...there needs to be reform and training. No one is arguing that. Literally....no one.

Your final line reveals what your compulsion is, though. You have unmasked your true intent. This is the same intent that is held by a vast number of protesters and rioters. In your own words "Sorry you can't handle the people treating you like people of color are treated". So, you perceive that all officers treat all people of color a certain way. So the answer is to retaliate based on an overblown, perceived slight. Well...that's a good way to change things for the better.... Again, you don't have actual stats to back that up just some anecdotal bullshit scenarios from which you make broad generalities. The fact is that most of the stats don't support your argument. This is why most libs don't want to address stats except for a few that they cherry-pick.

Chris Rock doesn't define anything about law enforcement. 100% perfection is not achievable by any human. Do you trust flying? Planes crash all the time. Do you trust doctors? Doctors kill patients and misdiagnose all the time. Where are the riots? The protests?

There aren't any. Why the police then? Because people don't like to get in trouble. They don't like tickets. They don't like fines.

I'm done. At this point, I (and most of us now) really hope you all get what you are asking for.

Incidentally, actual scientific research disproves all the bullshit:


Sorry that doesn't support your anecdotally based bullshit but when have stats and facts ever done anything for someone with their head up their own ass.
From your link...
police officers harbored implicit racial bias, associating weapons with black suspects more often than white suspects,

when we tested officers using the implicit association test, we found a very strong implicit association between African Americans and weapons. So we did find evidence of implicit racial bias, just like previous studies had found.
And that is the point of Black Lives matter.... to address the "Implicit racial bias" that multiple studies have found in Police.....