Quote Originally Posted by SheltonChoked View Post
Because, then it would not be called "Bias".

But you are free to find the studies to back you up. I just read a part of the one he linked to show how Police were not biased, Only to find out that Police are racially biased....

But Only because the violent crime statistics support that stance. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SKIN COLOR! It is not a race issue, you are making an argument where there isn't one! It is purely a numbers play! It is because, as was stated in the quote you supplied, there is a strong association, numbers, percentages - aka a fact - between African Americans and weapons and violence.

If statistics showed that 70+ percent of crime occurred in the downtown area of the town you live in, say between 6pm and 12pm, would you go there during those hours? Why not? Is it racist to avoid an area KNOWN for high crime? Is it racist for the police to be on high alert in that high crime area during those hours? What precautions do you want the police to use to protect themselves and others - innocent bystanders? Would you take your family - wife and children to this high crime area during those hours? Why not, are you a racist? You would be at least be biased if you do not take your family there. Biased because because of statistics and not because of a particular skin color of the perps. If I am shot or conked in the head, robbed or whatever, I could care less of the skin color of the perpetrator. I would only be worried about saving my butt!

You apply different standard to others (police) than you apply to yourself.