Quote Originally Posted by msstate7 View Post
I'm not sure where you'd find the data at, but we need positive % charted by date. I can get the total at https://covidtracking.com/data . Right now we have 19,091 positives with 214.493 total tests, which is 8.9% positive rate. It would be nice if someone had that number charted for the last month.
Since you like numbers, check out what's happening in Florida:

"Health experts have previously told the Miami Herald that they were concerned the number of pending results listed by the state is an undercount. This is because Florida?s Health Department only announces the number of pending test results from state labs, not private ones ? and private labs are completing more than 90% of state tests."


I agree with other sentiments expressed regarding going about our daily lives. The thing that frustrates me more than anything though is that key data is being manipulated to fit an agenda, which in turn skews public sentiment.