Does anyone have experience with an aggressive hawk in your yard? We have a hawk in our neighborhood that seems to have recently become more aggressive and is not afraid of people. It?s coming into our back yard to hunt even with my family outside. I understand it?s nature, but they shouldn?t typically fly down 10 feet away from my kids to pick up a baby bird that fell out of its nest from a hedge bush, should they? It came so close to us that we heard it?s wings as it flew by. In the past week, we?ve seen it carry off a snake and a chipmunk in our back yard (I have zero issue with it getting either), but we have had 2 outdoor cats to mysteriously disappear in the past 6 months too. Just yesterday, it was perched on a sun chair in our back yard just hanging out it seemed. We have an somewhat open back yard (about an acre) with scattered trees, and I think this thing has decided to make it his perfect hunting ground.
I?d like to get a puppy, but am afraid he will snatch it too, even if we are outside with it.