Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg28 View Post
Trump is a liar, adulterous, thin skinned, dictator, Hitler loving, fake Christian, and perfect for you.
Not a fan of Hitler... only God knows my heart, so I will let him judge my Christianity..... I have lusted in my heart, so I am guilty of adultery...
I?m in sales, so liar is a little strong, but I fall short by an infinite distance being perfect.... I am for small government, 2nd Amendment, less taxes, strong borders, but I even support a path for citizenship for those in our country undocumented.... I support our military, police, and those who protect us... nobody is perfect.... racist, yes because I am imperfect, and guess what you are imperfect too.... I believe we should protect children both inside the womb and outside, senior citizens, and handicapped...but if you don?t fall in those categories you need to fend for yourself and your family...I worked my way through High School and College, paid my Student Loans and Mortgage.... Still Saving for my retirement....rich by no means, but earned every penny I have...guess what, Trump is all those things you said, except the Hitler thing...the Hitler thing fits those doing the looting and burning.