Guys, it seems like most people without business and market type jobs are not paying full attention to what is happening with our economy. Of course our 401ks have been trashed for the short-term. But this is about to get really ugly. I have heard rumors of local banks already halting farm and business loan applications. Oil and protein commodities have plummeted to where soon leveraged amounts will be higher than asset values. Let that soak in for a minute (anybody remember the 80s and land notes getting called).
Additionally, we live in a weak society that can not handle this adversity. People will continue to freak out about this and businesses will begin shutting down as employees even dare show symptoms. Imagine going to Walmart and it's closed because no employees to work or no supplies because manufacturer shut down.

Things are about to get real. If you do not have a month worth's of food/supplies on hand you are being nieve. Even with grocery stores and shopping centers open, they are the largest local cess pool of germs and will be the easiest place to come in contact with the disease going forward. I have a pregnant wife and I went and did all her grocery shopping for the next month tonight while hardly anyone was out. Call me crazy but the writing is on the wall.