Here's some charts I made attempting to compare # of cases relative to population using 8 days worth of the Worldometers data. Feel free to rip them apart. They obviously don't account for "how far along" in the disease process each country is.

First one is just trending the Total Cases/1m Pop
COVID_Total Cases_Pop.jpg

This one I just subtracted the previous day's Total Cases/1m Pop from the current day's number to try to chart the rates of rise
COVID_Change in Cases_Pop.jpg

I made it because I keep seeing this chart to show how our trajectory is so much worse than everyone else's (this one was posted on SPS yesterday)

My question is, isn't it obvious that our trajectory is going to be much steeper than all the other countries on the list when the chart is just reporting total # of cases? The population closest to ours that is reliable (China is questionable, India is a joke) is Japan, who is 3x smaller than us. All the European countries we are being compared to are more like 4-6x smaller than we are.