Quote Originally Posted by msstate7 View Post
While I agree this isn't the flu. Your post is totally dishonest. Here's the article it's from...


"... The number of people killed by influenza each year isn't reported the same way that COVID-19 deaths are ? a discrepancy that can cause confusion when comparing the numbers.

The CDC estimates the total number of flu infections in the US via its influenza-surveillance system, which gathers data from state and local partners and projects nationwide totals using infectious-disease models...."

"... Because of the newness of the coronavirus, calculations of the disease's death rate come from dividing the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths by the total of confirmed cases. The numbers in the chart above come from the CDC's most recent June report.

In the US, the coronavirus has infected more than 2.3 million people since the first case was reported on January 22. But that case total likely far undercounts the true scope of the outbreak because it includes only those who have gotten tested...."


Right now the CDC puts the infection mortality rate range at 0.005-0.008.

My post was honest and it was about goalposts being moved....

Are you telling me (based off your post) that it's insincere to compare mortality rates for a novel virus to one we already have a research on?

I think where I went wrong is that I used CDC numbers. Since they don't manage the data any longer, do you have any HHS data you could post to show the comparison?