join in to keep my sanity in these advanced years. 1. I now avoid the Game Thread - hence I like all the posters again. 2. I avoid the political discussions not because I don't have an opinion or care, I just come here to escape that crap. Now, finally number 3 - I will no longer read any thread that has 'Gameday' and 'Picker' in it before the game.

I do not give a rats ass who plops their butt next to Corso tomorrow. I will not lose one damn moment of sleep worrying if Lee Fitting thinks Oxford or Austin, or LA is better. If those things mattered I would be in the grove wearing red and blue. We got the show on merit, not begging. We got it about 15 years faster than TSUN. Be us and let it rip.

Thank you. Pointless rant directed at nobody in particular finished. Your patience has been appreciated.

Clanga Clanga MF'ers. Auburn eats boogers. (That was from my niece. The booger part, not the MF'rs, pretty sure my sister would hit me in the head if I taught her to say MF) )