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Thread: Allstate Insurance

  1. #121
    Senior Member Tater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santiago View Post
    Let's visit this ....
    1. California passed a multi-BILLION dollar bond in 2014 for the purpose of water resevoirs. They have yet to build anything and cannot account for the money.
    2. Lousianna - I remember seeing that Mayor on American Greed, for all his corruption. He was the most vocal about how things were handled.
    3. Western NC - FEMA says no money left to help, and they have been very slow in relief.

    There is a common theme, and I feel like you might be too much on one side to see it.
    Yes the theme is you're looking for corruption on one side of the house and found 3 examples (one from 10 years ago mind you) to prove the narrative you want.

    I just point to the 2020 (partisan-ly passed) CARES Act and how many republican politicians / lobbyists / companies that donate to republican super pacs had "record profits" and forgiven PPP loans. That's just one instance that outweighs the money you mentioned by 10x-100x.

    Your problem is you've decided Ive argued Democrats are pure and Republicans are corrupt. I've never said the first part of that. Dems ain't perfect - most all republicans have shown you who they are since Reaganomics started failing in the late 80s.

    The exception to the rule for dems is when one is corrupt / for big business.
    The exception to the rule for repubs is when one is for the people.

    That's my stance and most every large scale investigation supports this.

    Edit: I gave you those 3 examples willingly. But on the 3rd one, go look at who voted against allowing FEMA more money.
    "Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010

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  2. #122
    Senior Member Coach34's Avatar
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    Holy crap Retarded Warren- what a long-winded pile of shit

    A) First of all- I gave a number from 2022 simply from the Biden Admin that most people know to be wayyyy under represented. Alot of people figure the number to be around 30MM
    B) Ten million un this admin alone- most of whom arent being turned away. They are being brought in. This admin has set record numbers because they encouraged illegal immigration and have let The Cartels roll them here. The Cartels are smuggling more people than drugs these days
    C) Trump's numbers were way lower because of his Remain In Mexico policy- ya know, the one Biden got rid of on his 1st day?

    You cant have triple digit encounters as we have had under this admin and blame it on Bill Clinton
    Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Yes the theme is you're looking for corruption on one side of the house and found 3 examples (one from 10 years ago mind you) to prove the narrative you want.

    I just point to the 2020 (partisan-ly passed) CARES Act and how many republican politicians / lobbyists / companies that donate to republican super pacs had "record profits" and forgiven PPP loans. That's just one instance that outweighs the money you mentioned by 10x-100x.

    Your problem is you've decided Ive argued Democrats are pure and Republicans are corrupt. I've never said the first part of that. Dems ain't perfect - most all republicans have shown you who they are since Reaganomics started failing in the late 80s.

    The exception to the rule for dems is when one is corrupt / for big business.
    The exception to the rule for repubs is when one is for the people.

    That's my stance and most every large scale investigation supports this.

    Edit: I gave you those 3 examples willingly. But on the 3rd one, go look at who voted against allowing FEMA more money.
    The examples are the ones you mentioned.
    It was just pretty easy to reply on your comments since they were lacking the entirety of the issue. These areas are run by one party so heavily that it is absolutely on them.
    You mentioned Louisiana.... were corruption by that city leadership was so bad, the mayor was indicted. You mention how the situation was handled but seemed to leave out all the millions and billions of dollars given by tax payers for prevention.

    Right now, no I don't give a flip about the party. It is pathetic anyone would try to defend those that are in charge in California. It is a one party rule, so no one to blame but themselves.
    Where did all the tax payer money go for reservoirs?
    The governor knocked down damns that were holding water.

    Today, it is absolutely fair to make the politicians and leaders in California completely accountable.
    Last edited by Santiago; 01-09-2025 at 12:25 PM.

  4. #124
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    The reason Trump is so popular now is directly due to policies nation wide that are supported and put in place by folks who think like the leaders in Cali do.

  5. #125
    Senior Member Coach34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho View Post
    The reason Trump is so popular now is directly due to policies nation wide that are supported and put in place by folks who think like the leaders in Cali do.
    You are exactly correct- with LA fires being the latest example

    Saw the other day over 80% of people support voter ID yet we still have one side that continues to fight it politically
    Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is

  6. #126
    Senior Member Coach34's Avatar
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    thanks to the Mods for leaving this open for awhile. Probably time to lock it up and move on. Neither side is going to convince the other of anything for the most part.

    Let's hope the weather doesnt affect Saturday's game vs Big Blue. Huge op for us this weekend
    Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is

  7. #127
    Senior Member Tater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach34 View Post
    Holy crap Retarded Warren- what a long-winded pile of shit

    A) First of all- I gave a number from 2022 simply from the Biden Admin that most people know to be wayyyy under represented. Alot of people figure the number to be around 30MM
    B) Ten million un this admin alone- most of whom arent being turned away. They are being brought in. This admin has set record numbers because they encouraged illegal immigration and have let The Cartels roll them here. The Cartels are smuggling more people than drugs these days
    C) Trump's numbers were way lower because of his Remain In Mexico policy- ya know, the one Biden got rid of on his 1st day?

    You cant have triple digit encounters as we have had under this admin and blame it on Bill Clinton
    You gave a number and then you say "I don't believe it"

    There's no arguing with you. You don't even believe what you say. How could anyone else? Is Olivier Rioux one of those that you count since he's not American but not in those statistics? He's an "illegal" you have a "gut feel" is playing even though reality doesn't support you.

    You're actually stupid. Please donate another $25 to our NIL to continue this conversation.
    "Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010

    "No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

  8. #128
    General Public Political Hack's Avatar
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    Y'all do know that Trump threatened the republican Congress to ensure they wouldn't pass needed border security legislation until he got back in office? It was agreed to in a bi-partisan manner and Biden was set to sign it. Then Trump squashed it from the golf course for political gain. Killed border security for political gain. And then exploited the poor border situation to get elected. And America bought it hook, line, and sinker.

    I'm honestly just glad we didn't waste a billion dollars on a wall. God forbid someone figures out how to use a shovel or a rope. Much less a drone.

    While both sides are busy screaming at one another and blaming the other party, BOTH are at fault. Politics itself is at fault. The way our system is run is at fault. I don't fault Trump at all for playing the game. He's better at it than the Democrats and this election proved it. We've allowed DC to just become another episode of Monday Night Raw.

  9. #129
    Senior Member Tater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach34 View Post
    thanks to the Mods for leaving this open for awhile. Probably time to lock it up and move on. Neither side is going to convince the other of anything for the most part.

    Let's hope the weather doesnt affect Saturday's game vs Big Blue. Huge op for us this weekend
    Oh I take it back. We agree here. Best post you've made. More of this, less of the socially illiterate pretending that small town Louisiana is the pinnacle of economic smarts and the forefront authority on population statistics.
    "Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010

    "No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

  10. #130
    Senior Member Tater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Political Hack View Post
    Y'all do know that Trump threatened the republican Congress to ensure they wouldn't pass needed border security legislation until he got back in office. It was agreed to in a bi-partisan manner and Biden was set to sign in. Then Trump squashed it from the golf course for political gain. Killed border security for political gain. And then exploited the poor border situation to get elected. And America bought it hook, line, and sinker.

    I'm honestly just glad we didn't waste a billion dollars on a wall. God forbid someone figures out how to use a shovel or a rope. Much less a drone.

    While both sides are busy screaming at another and blaming the other party, BOTH are at fault. Politics itself is at fault. The way our system is run is at fault. I don't fault Trump at all for playing the game. He's better at it than the Democrats and this election proved it. We've allowed DC to just become another episode of Monday Night Raw.
    No they're aware. They blew right past me pointing this out. Because it's easier to blame the big bad dems and "illegals" for their problems and not the business men paying foreign immigrants to come over cheaper wages than them and ruining the country to increase their bank account scoreboard. Glad we got Enron buying Trump and his policies in office. That's totally not how he's already trying to run this country.
    "Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010

    "No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

  11. #131
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    Also, when our worst problem is that people are literally risking their lives to get into our country, we probably have it a lot better than we're realizing. Every single one of us has a roof over our heads, food in our belly, and gas in our tank but we continually find some reason to thrash "the other side." We should be much more thankful that we live in the greatest country in the world during the most prosperous time in human history.

  12. #132
    Senior Member Tater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Political Hack View Post
    Also, when our worst problem is that people are literally risking their lives to get into our country, we probably have it a lot better than we're realizing. Every single one of us has a roof over our heads, food in our belly, and gas in our tank but we continually find some reason to thrash "the other side." We should be much more thankful that we live in the greatest country in the world during the most prosperous time in human history.
    I'd agree that we're a better country, but not so sure we can call ourselves the best anymore. Not the greatest of all time (probably early 80s, could say 90s, even bush years were better. Took a major nosedive during bush's second presidency and haven't reversed course enough since as much as Obama tried. 2024 was a good year, but blaming Biden for Trump's short term policies ruining 21/22 ruined any momentum to keep it going for people. )
    "Once the game starts, it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, July 10th, 2010

    "No one ever said it's gonna be easy." - Lebron, June 12th, 2011

  13. #133
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    I'd agree with that. The 80's and 90's were the perfect storm. Just enough technology, but not too much.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Political Hack View Post
    Y'all do know that Trump threatened the republican Congress to ensure they wouldn't pass needed border security legislation until he got back in office? It was agreed to in a bi-partisan manner and Biden was set to sign it. Then Trump squashed it from the golf course for political gain. Killed border security for political gain. And then exploited the poor border situation to get elected. And America bought it hook, line, and sinker.

    I'm honestly just glad we didn't waste a billion dollars on a wall. God forbid someone figures out how to use a shovel or a rope. Much less a drone.

    While both sides are busy screaming at one another and blaming the other party, BOTH are at fault. Politics itself is at fault. The way our system is run is at fault. I don't fault Trump at all for playing the game. He's better at it than the Democrats and this election proved it. We've allowed DC to just become another episode of Monday Night Raw.
    You know also, Biden sent troops to the TX Border to break the current laws, right?
    Billion dollars on the wall...that is what maybe a week's pay to Ukraine?

    The border bill presented by Democrats last year for election year show, was loaded with other stuff. It was not Trump. Let's be honest here on who was playing the game after 4 years.

  15. #135
    Tha Winnah! ScoobaDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach34 View Post
    thanks to the Mods for leaving this open for awhile. Probably time to lock it up and move on. Neither side is going to convince the other of anything for the most part.

    Let's hope the weather doesnt affect Saturday's game vs Big Blue. Huge op for us this weekend
    Yea... I've been debating on just moving it off the main forum or killing it.
    Well... now it's time to get back to talking about sports.

  16. #136
    General Public Political Hack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoobaDawg View Post
    Yea... I've been debating on just moving it off the main forum or killing it.
    Well... now it's time to get back to talking about sports.
    Lol. Thanks Scooba.

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