Allstate Insurance
My agent has received my text concerning Allstate not aligning with certain viewpoints. I am looking into a more American provider now.
I thought Allstate was an American company. What did I miss?
"I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here." -- Arthur C. Clarke
Did you see the all state commercial special made for the sugar bowl?
It's in regards to the Allstate message before the Sugar Bowl. He basically was calling out Americans and making it sound like their fault that some crazed brain washed ISIS lunatic committed an act of terror on Tuesday night. Said Americans need to "overcome their addiction to divisiveness" and "accept people's differences". It was a god awful message and whoever told him to put that out should be fired on the damn spot. I can't believe there wasn't a hand raise guy somewhere along the chain of command for that message that wasn't like, "Hey guys, maybe let's not do this. Maybe let's just say our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the city of New Orleans and will be in the weeks and months to come." Literally the easiest statement to make.
AllState is losing customers as we speak.
They tell us to keep politics out of sports and enjoy it but with ESPN and now this woke all state commercial, they are shoving a political stance down our throats.

Originally Posted by
My agent has received my text concerning Allstate not aligning with certain viewpoints. I am looking into a more American provider now.
I'm not sure your agent should really be getting the wrath on that one. I doubt he was consulted on the messaging before it went out. I'm sure he probably was like 85% of all the other people who sell Allstate. They probably all said, "Oh 17. This is going to cost me some business."

Originally Posted by
Did you see the all state commercial special made for the sugar bowl?
No. I did not. At work so I just glanced at the game when I could. Never paid attention to the commercials. TV in my office was muted.
Sux for the local guys- but the only way to make these people understand is to cost them business. Bud Light learned their lesson. Others are as well.
Walk like the King or walk like you don't care who the King is

Originally Posted by
It's in regards to the Allstate message before the Sugar Bowl. He basically was calling out Americans and making it sound like their fault that some crazed brain washed ISIS lunatic committed an act of terror on Tuesday night. Said Americans need to "overcome their addiction to divisiveness" and "accept people's differences". It was a god awful message and whoever told him to put that out should be fired on the damn spot. I can't believe there wasn't a hand raise guy somewhere along the chain of command for that message that wasn't like, "Hey guys, maybe let's not do this. Maybe let's just say our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the city of New Orleans and will be in the weeks and months to come." Literally the easiest statement to make.
I totally agree. It causes speculation also, the group think in their company that no one did raise their hand. It looks like that line of thinking is so strong in their leadership, that anyone that might have wanted to raise their hand did not out of fear of their job.
Senior Member
Switch to Farm Bureau if you?re in MS
Best insurance money can buy and won?t grieve you to death if god forbid you need to use it.

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What is this about??
They bud light themselves. It was less on the nose, but a much more serious topic.

Originally Posted by
I totally agree. It causes speculation also, the group think in their company that no one did raise their hand. It looks like that line of thinking is so strong in their leadership, that anyone that might have wanted to raise their hand did not out of fear of their job.
Yup. Just coming up with that statement was a colossal 17-up. What kind of person sees that there is a terrorist tack by somebody brainwashed with ISIS propaganda and has the immediate reaction of "Damn americans and their addiction to divisiveness" or that the terrorist killed 14 people because Americans are unwilling to accept people's imperfections and differences. That said, smart and competent people say and do stupid things all the time and the stupidity in proposing this statement is forgiveable. But having a culture where this was vetted and everybody was either too scared or similarly stupid is a colossal leadership failure. The board should immediately do an investigation as to how this statement made it onto the air.

Originally Posted by
Yup. Just coming up with that statement was a colossal 17-up. What kind of person sees that there is a terrorist tack by somebody brainwashed with ISIS propaganda and has the immediate reaction of "Damn americans and their addiction to divisiveness" or that the terrorist killed 14 people because Americans are unwilling to accept people's imperfections and differences. That said, smart and competent people say and do stupid things all the time and the stupidity in proposing this statement is forgiveable. But having a culture where this was vetted and everybody was either too scared or similarly stupid is a colossal leadership failure. The board should immediately do an investigation as to how this statement made it onto the air.
Excellent rational post! Yeah someone gonna have to fall on the sword for that one. The idea should've been shotdown pretty quick but I'm guessing one of the big dogs came up with the idea and everyone was to scared to challenge it.
Why not say prayers and condolences to the family members who lost loved ones in the tragic incident on Bourbon St. on New Year's Day?

Originally Posted by
Why not say prayers and condolences to the family members who lost loved ones in the tragic incident on Bourbon St. on New Year's Day?
Because they didn't have a hand raise guy to say, "Hey guys, this statement is stupid as shit and is going to negatively affect our bottom line. Maybe just go with a boilerplate statement and say we're starting a relief fund for victims families and donating 1 million dollars to it".
A little off topic, but I'll be very interested to see the class action lawsuit that inevitably comes out of this. Any insurance company is going to deny a claim due to it being an act of terrorism so it will end up in court.

Originally Posted by
I totally agree. It causes speculation also, the group think in their company that no one did raise their hand. It looks like that line of thinking is so strong in their leadership, that anyone that might have wanted to raise their hand did not out of fear of their job.
The "yes" culture has permiated the military and governmental agencies. I suspect the same for corp. America. Two main reasons, top leaders don't create a culture of wanting subordinates to speak up and "careerism."
The City of NOLA will be sued to kingdom come
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