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  1. View Conversation
    Mr Todd, good morning! I am a follower of the page basically. My account got erased somehow and I had to start over? anyway!
    Something you said one post long time ago made me want to ask you this question please! I don?t mean to be out of line?!
    Are you from Kosciusko?! Because I am & I taught school, that why I am wondering! If not, please excuse my interest. HailState ~
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks. Always enjoy your input, knowledge, and love for all things MSU. Saw my first game at State in '63 at 8 years old. This is worse team I have seen in 61 years, but as REO sang got to keep "Riding the Storm Out". Hail State! GTHOM Always!
  3. View Conversation
    Refused to practice with Wright at QB
  4. View Conversation
    Thanks, dude. My real-life, boring-as-hell job is research based, so I'm just glad to be able to use my nerdy skill set on something that, while totally inconsequential, is way more interesting.

    Here are my go-to resources:

    Football Outsiders - Advanced stats for offense, defense, special teams, and offensive and defensive lines there. Just look at the "NCAA" tab at the top right of the page.

    BCF Toys- Mostly redundant of Football Outsiders, but I probably use it more. It's Brian Fremeau's personal site with all the FEI data. Lots of details here and some pages devoted to specific statistics, like the point value of yards and points per drive.

    CFB Stats - Tons of sortable raw stats. Nothing too advanced, so you've got to know what to look at and how to sort it to make sense.

    Team Rankings - Similar to CFB Stats with a bunch of raw stats, but with several unique data sets. I should use this site more than I do, frankly. Also a great site for basketball stats.
  5. View Conversation
    Not much more will come out till after the bowl I think. But that?s just my opinion
  6. View Conversation
    It isn't that Mullen doesn't want the team to win. It is that Mullen has convinced himself that he is never wrong. 1. He has decided who should play (even if he is wrong...which some people will not accept). 2. Because he will be slow to admit being wrong about anything and is terrified of making a mistake (getting beat deep....etc....), he will stubbornly stick to his initial plan...because he isn't wrong, "players fail to execute etc....". Calling that out doesn't make you an evil guy, although many who blindly support Mullen will claim that.
    It is like complaining about a super model who has disgusting farts in her sleep, so bad that they wake you up. Some folks would say, whatever man, shut up about the farts, you are in bed with a super model who is otherwise awesome? WTF? You are just trying to figure out how to give her probiotics, or have her stop eating broccoli or whatever it is that is hanging things up.
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