View Full Version : Found this jewel about C34 and "his followers on ED"

12-03-2013, 03:24 PM
"That was actually an "article" C34 wrote for one of the 47 MSU fanboy blogs that he then linked on SPS. #45 [url] [-]
Posts: 917
Dec 3, 2013 11:10 AM

Most of the idiots who agreed with him seem to have followed their leader to ED.

Last Edited By: Jughead Dec 3, 2013 11:28 AM. Edited 1 time."

Here's a post I made in the thread:

You guys are so far beyond delusional it's scary. #55 [url] [-]
Posts: 3
Dec 3, 2013 2:20 PM
You make excuse after excuse for why you lost, never wanting to actually give credit where credit is due. You claim you don't care as much as we do, yet your fans are 10 times worse than ours about crowing when you win. It's just another BS excuse and a way to fool yourselves into believing the absolute garbage you spew to one another in a vain effort to convince yourselves you;re still somehow superior in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

The ONE period in time where you actually were superior by a wide margin was under John Vaught. Vaught's advice to your players and fans, "Never forget that Mississippi State is your rival!". You talk to players from that era and they'll tell you the one game that meant the most to Vaught was MSU.

There is not a bigger loser mentality than what some of you display on your boards. Kudos to the few sane ones you have that see the truth of it and are unafraid to suffer the ridicule of fellow OM fans for publicly expressing their opinion.

Your fans rushed the field when you won at home last year. Did you see MSU fans rushing the field in our win last Thursday? Nope. But we supposedly care about winning more than you do, thus explaining your 4th loss in 5 games.

Your fans spend more time on MB's bashing MSU than they do praising OM.

Of course, it's all a farce. A total fabrication on behalf of a delusional, butthurt fanbase trapped in a sad belief that OM is still what is was in the 50's & 60's, despite the fact you haven't been better at football over the past 40+ years, and have been mostly dominated by the real flagship when it comes to all Big 3 sports.

MSU fans laugh at you because your sense of superiority is so obviously a case of self-aggrandizing delusion based on no factual content. If anything facts support the conclusion that MSU is the better program over the past 5 years, and no worse than even for the past 40 years.

But you guys keep lying to yourselves about "how much more it means to us", how "it's our Super Bowl" and all the other ludicrous, hysterical coping mechanisms you use to stroke your egos and make you feel better about the reality of the past 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, and 40 years. On the other side, we're reading and laughing our asses off at the unparalleled delusion that is the typical Ole Miss fan.

12-03-2013, 04:22 PM
gotta love my fans

Good reply post also...well done