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View Full Version : Wow. Women's Soccer Takes One on the Chin From Germany. 3-nil

07-21-2021, 05:53 PM
Nice work ladies.

07-21-2021, 06:41 PM

07-21-2021, 06:44 PM
They woke tho

07-21-2021, 07:08 PM
You should probably know what country we actually played if you want to credibly complain about the loss.

07-21-2021, 07:17 PM
Did any hot players rip off their shirts?

Leroy Jenkins
07-21-2021, 07:23 PM
Soccer is an unwatchable sport for anyone that has any other option. I can’t imagine how bad the women’s version is.

07-21-2021, 07:47 PM
Soccer is an unwatchable sport for anyone that has any other option. I can’t imagine how bad the women’s version is.

I tried to get into it being married to a south of the border girl who freaked out every time her country played. I'd rather watch paint dry.

07-21-2021, 09:00 PM
Kneeling and losing. This has zero effect on my life. Moving along. Definitely nothing to see here.

07-21-2021, 09:55 PM
But did they all order footlongs after the match?

07-21-2021, 10:26 PM
I hope they never win again. Balls are what they need on the chin. Let them kneel to that.

07-21-2021, 11:09 PM
I hope they never win again. Balls are what they need on the chin. Let them kneel to that.

I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.

07-22-2021, 03:05 AM
I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.

I don't think he is rooting against them because they have different political views, but instead how and where they are expressing those views.

Offshore Dawg
07-22-2021, 07:43 AM
I don't think he is rooting against them because they have different political views, but instead how and where they are expressing those views.

I think this is how most sane people feel about this

07-22-2021, 07:55 AM
I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.


They are openly rooting against US while supposedly representing the US. You are either for us or against us. They and others have made their choice and now free American makes their's.

If they can kneel and object, others can return the favor.

Jack Lambert
07-22-2021, 08:04 AM
I don't pull against them but if they get their asses whipped I don't care. Express you political views in the interview. With that said they will probably not lose again.

07-22-2021, 08:11 AM
I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.

If they are American citizens who hate America and want to destroy it, then I will root against them. It's sad when their opponent loves the United States more than they do.

07-22-2021, 08:20 AM
Your awareness or lack of is interesting

Guess only liberals can protest?.

Leroy Jenkins
07-22-2021, 08:28 AM
I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.

They are not an American team.

West Tn Dawg
07-22-2021, 08:32 AM
I don't think he is rooting against them because they have different political views, but instead how and where they are expressing those views.


07-22-2021, 08:34 AM
If they are American citizens who hate America and want to destroy it, then I will root against them. It's sad when their opponent loves the United States more than they do.

Those that kneel during the anthem of the country that sent them should be treated as suspicious of doing harm to America, put on a watch list, and not allowed back in the country for 3 years or until the "investigation" is complete.

07-22-2021, 09:21 AM
If they are American citizens who hate America and want to destroy it, then I will root against them. It's sad when their opponent loves the United States more than they do.

They don't hate America. Good grief. Are you really that simple minded?

07-22-2021, 09:25 AM
They don't hate America. Good grief. Are you really that simple minded?

Uh...yea they do

07-22-2021, 09:33 AM
When they kneel, they say we hire cops to kill black people.

07-22-2021, 09:47 AM
Look when they're playing on their club teams or on their own time then they can talk about what a terrible country they think this is and how everyone is wrong except them, but when you represent that country on a global stage then you need to put all your personal feelings at the door and represent the country in a positive way. If you can't do that, then don't accept an invitation to be on that US NATIONAL TEAM. It's really that simple. A national team is supposed to be able to unite the country around them and this US Women's Soccer team has done nothing but try to separate themselves since around 2016.

07-22-2021, 09:48 AM
I can't imagine ever rooting against an American team in the Olympics, regardless of whether some of the players have different political views than me.

I hope they never win another game. Ever. Until the anti-American element is gone.

07-22-2021, 10:07 AM
Look when they're playing on their club teams or on their own time then they can talk about what a terrible country they think this is and how everyone is wrong except them, but when you represent that country on a global stage then you need to put all your personal feelings at the door and represent the country in a positive way. If you can't do that, then don't accept an invitation to be on that US NATIONAL TEAM. It's really that simple. A national team is supposed to be able to unite the country around them and this US Women's Soccer team has done nothing but try to separate themselves since around 2016.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. YeMBKKSpjg_z6DivgCxUfwHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1

They've been a bunch of disrespectful bitches for a while, hope New Zealand puts out a 12 incher and goes in dry on them.

07-22-2021, 11:03 AM
Rooting against America to own the libs, lol.

07-22-2021, 11:03 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. YeMBKKSpjg_z6DivgCxUfwHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1

They've been a bunch of disrespectful bitches for a while, hope New Zealand puts out a 12 incher and goes in dry on them.

Alex Morgan is the exception. I will never not root for her.

07-22-2021, 11:17 AM
And just to be clear, I'm all about reviews on handling out of control folk. George Floyd deal made me sick. The Wendy's deal made me sick. But our country averages 2.1M arrests per year and this doesn't include other interactions that don't involve jail. To take several and use them to call it "systemic" DEFINES Fake News. Kneelers shit on our country based on a pack of lies. I could go on but I'll stop to avoid politics. The Kneelers made it sports related, not me.

07-22-2021, 11:34 AM
Rooting against America to own the libs, lol.

The only people getting "owned" are conservatives.

Elimination of personal freedoms.
Being labeled a domestic terrorist just for not falling in line with the great reset that's happening right now.
All the government organizations being weaponized against individuals and businesses that reject their scrutiny and dare to want better for America.

07-22-2021, 12:24 PM
The USWNT team has brought a good bit of this on themselves. I say that wanting to watch and like them as I have a daughter that's getting into more serious soccer and I'd love for some of them to be role models.

But they've allowed Megan Rapinoe to be their mouthpiece and that's really not a good idea because she can be a pretty unlikeable human being even though she's an awesome soccer player. Then they had their lawsuit vs. US soccer which was pretty laughable. Despite multiple judge ruling and simply common sense they continue to double down on the idea that they are being paid less than the men simply because they are women. There are a ton of great 10 minute youtube videos that go into good detail on the suit and why they lost. They even send Rapinoe up to the White House podium on National Women's Day or whatever to beat the drum some more. For as much as she hates Trump, she's basically a ton like him.

Then they started the kneeling thing and while I know people have widely varied opinions on this, I think I feel pretty confident that most people would agree that it's not a great look when you are playing for a National team. Especially when the President has changed, there is a AA VP and almost all the country is supportive of ideas like ending racism. If it were state-led thing like a War or some really unpopular public policy then I could make sense of it, but that wasn't the case here.

So while I will never root against a team representing my country it's hard to get behind people that don't seem to take a lot of pride in doing that very thing.

What's interesting is that in the game both teams had a quick kneel right before the whistle a sign against racism (after the EuroCup stuff, etc). That's fine and I think it's a fine gesture - especially when you are talking about the global soccer community, but because you've done other stuff, people hear that you kneeled and assume it was during the anthem.

My bigger problem is when does it end? You're not going to eradicate racism. In today's social media there are always going to be idiots that post racial stuff like what happened to England's players that missed the PK's in Eurocup final. I doubt that mess even numbered into the hundreds. It was probably a very small handful of people. Heck Spain's best player had a crappy tournament and he and his family were getting death threats. There's just crazy people all over the place. I have no problem with a general "no racism" message from leagues and them being active supporters of that cause, but I don't see any way to measure when we say "we're good now and will stand for the anthem" from those that kneel.

07-22-2021, 12:26 PM
Rooting against America to own the libs, lol.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. ddJZ8vT1z96YQHNlkmzF5QHaDa%26pid%3DApi&f=1

07-22-2021, 12:43 PM
The USWNT team has brought a good bit of this on themselves. I say that wanting to watch and like them as I have a daughter that's getting into more serious soccer and I'd love for some of them to be role models.

But they've allowed Megan Rapinoe to be their mouthpiece and that's really not a good idea because she can be a pretty unlikeable human being even though she's an awesome soccer player. Then they had their lawsuit vs. US soccer which was pretty laughable. Despite multiple judge ruling and simply common sense they continue to double down on the idea that they are being paid less than the men simply because they are women. There are a ton of great 10 minute youtube videos that go into good detail on the suit and why they lost. They even send Rapinoe up to the White House podium on National Women's Day or whatever to beat the drum some more. For as much as she hates Trump, she's basically a ton like him.

Then they started the kneeling thing and while I know people have widely varied opinions on this, I think I feel pretty confident that most people would agree that it's not a great look when you are playing for a National team. Especially when the President has changed, there is a AA VP and almost all the country is supportive of ideas like ending racism. If it were state-led thing like a War or some really unpopular public policy then I could make sense of it, but that wasn't the case here.

So while I will never root against a team representing my country it's hard to get behind people that don't seem to take a lot of pride in doing that very thing.

What's interesting is that in the game both teams had a quick kneel right before the whistle a sign against racism (after the EuroCup stuff, etc). That's fine and I think it's a fine gesture - especially when you are talking about the global soccer community, but because you've done other stuff, people hear that you kneeled and assume it was during the anthem.

My bigger problem is when does it end? You're not going to eradicate racism. In today's social media there are always going to be idiots that post racial stuff like what happened to England's players that missed the PK's in Eurocup final. I doubt that mess even numbered into the hundreds. It was probably a very small handful of people. Heck Spain's best player had a crappy tournament and he and his family were getting death threats. There's just crazy people all over the place. I have no problem with a general "no racism" message from leagues and them being active supporters of that cause, but I don't see any way to measure when we say "we're good now and will stand for the anthem" from those that kneel.

Good post just a couple extras.

First the VP is not an AA. Don't matter to me, if it makes people feel better but fact is it doesn't. Obama was first perceived black president (even though he wasn't) and all that did is make racism worse (in opposite direction black to white). BTW, Dwight Eisenhower was the first black president - he was 25% black.

Racism like any other sin in the world will not be erased until The Eraser - Christ does so, but nothing like a racist saying they are against racism. Everything done in society today is only about skin color - that my friend is the definition of racist, not what God says and his preacher MLK said either - content of character, not skin color.

07-22-2021, 01:08 PM
Good post just a couple extras.

First the VP is not an AA. Don't matter to me, if it makes people feel better but fact is it doesn't. Obama was first perceived black president (even though he wasn't) and all that did is make racism worse (in opposite direction black to white). BTW, Dwight Eisenhower was the first black president - he was 25% black.

You are not a serious person, lol. Jesus Christ.

07-22-2021, 03:03 PM
Rooting against America to own the libs, lol.

Confused as to why it is hard to understand why Americans are upset with this. It is one thing to do it in the NFL or MLB etc. but when you are representing your country in the Olympics you don't do that.
If you feel that your country is so bad and wrong that you have to disrespect the national anthem you should have never accepted the offer to play for that country.

The irony is the politics of these people more closely resembles countries that would kill you for doing this same thing.

If someone from China or Russia pulled this they would never be heard from again. Here in the big, bad, terrible, USA you get shoe deals, commercial opportunities etc. for sh**** on your country. Seems like a pretty sweet place to live to me.

Not only is it dumb but it is extremely offensive to people that know what actual oppression and poverty are. the majority of people in this world experiencing actual oppression would trade places with any one of these a** holes and come to America today.

07-22-2021, 03:42 PM
Confused as to why it is hard to understand why Americans are upset with this. It is one thing to do it in the NFL or MLB etc. but when you are representing your country in the Olympics you don't do that.
If you feel that your country is so bad and wrong that you have to disrespect the national anthem you should have never accepted the offer to play for that country.

The irony is the politics of these people more closely resembles countries that would kill you for doing this same thing.

If someone from China or Russia pulled this they would never be heard from again. Here in the big, bad, terrible, USA you get shoe deals, commercial opportunities etc. for sh**** on your country. Seems like a pretty sweet place to live to me.

Not only is it dumb but it is extremely offensive to people that know what actual oppression and poverty are. the majority of people in this world experiencing actual oppression would trade places with any one of these a** holes and come to America today.

Good post. Crisis creations designed to divide.

07-22-2021, 04:26 PM
They don't hate America. Good grief. Are you really that simple minded?

Some have talked about burning the flag. Explain to me the mental gymnastics you have to do everyday to reason that away as not hating your country.

Again, if you did that in some countries you would be killed for it. Here you get a shoe deal.

These people are no different than the people they say are bad for this country. They are entitled and have no idea what true oppression is. It would be good for a lot of these people to go live in Russia or China for a year and try to pull some of the stuff they do here.

They would never be seen or heard from again. If you think America is an inherently bad place then you have no grasp on actual reality. Do we have problems? Yes, are they bad enough we need to completely rethink how we run a government and country? Hell no.

This system has produced the most successful civilization the world has seen outside of maybe the Roman empire. Ironically, the downfall of the Roman empire started with some very similar things we are seeing here in our country now. The poorest here are better off than many people in the majority of the world. There are places where children die every single day one after the other because they starved to death. There are people in this world that have never seen a doctor before or even know of someone who has. There are countries that have been ravaged by civil wars for centuries with normal everyday people having to try and survive through that and raise a family. I'm sure you would enjoy raising a toddler in Afghanistan or Iraq.

The bottom line is we all have it too good here and we don't have enough conflict to help us realize how good we actually have it. Out of that we have created unintentional conflict that is ripping the country apart at the seams.

I don't give a rats a** where you stand politically, this will never get better until everyone realizes we are stuck with each other and we better figure out how to fix it and get along or we will have our own civil issues to deal with or worse our kids' generation will have to deal with it.

07-22-2021, 05:09 PM
Some have talked about burning the flag. Explain to me the mental gymnastics you have to do everyday to reason that away as not hating your country.

Again, if you did that in some countries you would be killed for it. Here you get a shoe deal.

These people are no different than the people they say are bad for this country. They are entitled and have no idea what true oppression is. It would be good for a lot of these people to go live in Russia or China for a year and try to pull some of the stuff they do here.

They would never be seen or heard from again. If you think America is an inherently bad place then you have no grasp on actual reality. Do we have problems? Yes, are they bad enough we need to completely rethink how we run a government and country? Hell no.

This system has produced the most successful civilization the world has seen outside of maybe the Roman empire. Ironically, the downfall of the Roman empire started with some very similar things we are seeing here in our country now. The poorest here are better off than many people in the majority of the world. There are places where children die every single day one after the other because they starved to death. There are people in this world that have never seen a doctor before or even know of someone who has. There are countries that have been ravaged by civil wars for centuries with normal everyday people having to try and survive through that and raise a family. I'm sure you would enjoy raising a toddler in Afghanistan or Iraq.

The bottom line is we all have it too good here and we don't have enough conflict to help us realize how good we actually have it. Out of that we have created unintentional conflict that is ripping the country apart at the seams.

I don't give a rats a** where you stand politically, this will never get better until everyone realizes we are stuck with each other and we better figure out how to fix it and get along or we will have our own civil issues to deal with or worse our kids' generation will have to deal with it.

solid and repped. thank you sir.

shoeless joe
07-22-2021, 05:15 PM
I don’t care because it’s soccer. If these gals were flag toting patriots I still wouldn’t care…because it’s soccer.

That being said, I cannot help but think that if you are not proud of your country and refuse to show what really equals the least amount of respect for your country then I don’t really feel you should represent us on the world stage.

07-22-2021, 05:57 PM
Some have talked about burning the flag. Explain to me the mental gymnastics you have to do everyday to reason that away as not hating your country.

Who did that? I couldn't find anything on Google about that.

07-22-2021, 06:18 PM
Who did that? I couldn't find anything on Google about that.

It was a trans bicyclist that didn't make the team, but is an alternate.

Google Chelsea Wolfe

07-22-2021, 06:41 PM
It was a trans bicyclist that didn't make the team, but is an alternate.

Google Chelsea Wolfe

So not a soccer player and not an Olympian?

07-22-2021, 07:00 PM
Who did that? I couldn't find anything on Google about that.

I don't think he's referring to athletes here.

07-22-2021, 09:00 PM
Unfortunately, they didn't lose 20-0.