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View Full Version : Big 10 get 110 schollies in 2021?

confucius say
08-12-2020, 12:59 PM
How is that going to work if this season doesn't count against eligibility for big 10 and pac 12, yet they have incoming recruits next year?

08-12-2020, 01:20 PM
How is that going to work if this season doesn't count against eligibility for big 10 and pac 12, yet they have incoming recruits next year?

interesting quandary....maybe Leach should expand his recruiting into the great white north .... if by chance they actually do play a spring season this will work itself out - and by that consideration they would almost be forced to play or go ahead and change the rules ... but then they would have to make those rule changes apply for ALL teams to be fair .... Twilight Zone question you have put forth

Jack Lambert
08-12-2020, 01:36 PM
Many of those guys are going to enter the draft if they play or not. Many of them will probably go to one of those professional work out places that gets you ready for the NFL.

08-12-2020, 04:43 PM
Wait! I thought they were playing in the spring?**