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View Full Version : Trail cams

10-24-2013, 10:44 AM
I am looking at buying another one or two and want the Black Flash, no-glow type.

I have a Primos Blackout which works well, but it's $149.
Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations before I buy another Primos.

I also have 2 Cuddlebacks, one IR and one white flash. They both work great, but I don't want to spook big boy.
I have had these two in the same spot for years and I think the deer are used to them now.
I want a couple of no-glow cameras that I can move around during the season as needed.

10-26-2013, 08:50 PM
I would like some suggestions as well. I have an old Moultrie with the flash and a big 6 volt battery. It works, but those giant eyes glowing in the flash say it all!! Haha
I'd like something a little more modern but not too expensive. $100 or so.

11-02-2013, 11:14 PM
Cheapest ones I can find are my favorites.