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10-16-2013, 11:50 PM
If you drink Baccardi, stop!

Baccardi is rum-flavored grain alcohol. Baccardi is to rum as McNuggets are to chicken. As Bud Light is to a great craft beer.

BTW, if you want talk liquor to a knowledgable liquor store guy in Jackson, go to Lakeland Wine & Spirits (think that's the name)...the big place in that little Quarter strip by Lakeland & Ridgewood. They know their stuff. I walked in there and said "surely there's something besides Baccardi?" And he pointed me to Sailor Jerry and there began my history with great rums.

OK if you just want a decent rum at a good price, pick up anything from Cruzan. They have all kinds of rums. Light, dark, in between, and even lots of flavored stuff like coconut. If you just want an ordinary rum & coke, by all means just pick up Cruzan instead of Baccardi. Your taste buds will thank you.

If you want to see what really good rum tastes like, get El Dorado. The older the better (and more expensive). Pour some on the rocks. Start out with a cube or two. Add more if the alcohol has too much kick.

For something a little different, make a rum & coke with a squeeze of lime. That's probably better with a spiced rum (Sailor Jerry being a great spiced rum, although its more rum than spice).

10-17-2013, 06:03 AM
Sailor Jerry is solid and affordable. One of my favorite brunch or after dinner cocktails is a mojito. I've tried all kinds of different runs and a spiced rum is a nice way to make it. Also, don't buy the pre made mixer. Buy real mint, sour mix, and if you can mix sugar and water you can make simple syrup.

Barking 13
10-17-2013, 07:16 AM
I'll have to try Sailor Jerry or Cruzan... I'm pretty fond of Cap'n Morgan & sprite with lime...

10-22-2013, 06:38 PM
Hey Flab, thanks for the Cruzan tip. I tried, I liked.