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View Full Version : Play 2016 baseball season in David Wade!!

10-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Tear down Dudy Noble Field and play 2016 in Davis Wade. We would set every attendance record in the history of college baseball the year before we moved into our new stadium. This would be awesome!

LA Coliseum
http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=la+coliseum+baseball&source=images&cd=&docid=-SMIiNaeRmZgUM&tbnid=uPe9vNubQlydjM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.baseballpilgrimages.com%2Fcol iseum.html&ei=mMhdUoHQAsiX2QW5poD4DQ&bvm=bv.54176721,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNF0oGF1r33Oa7NscYSflqwUvnRUTA&ust=1381964300845833

10-15-2013, 06:21 PM
It would be awesome for one season, but is it even possible? We don't have moveable bleachers at the football stadium I don't think....so would the dimensions and extra room on the sidelines be compatible?

I have no clue. Would be a cool thing to do during the transition though.

ETA: You're having trouble with that link aren't you Shotgun? Ha


10-15-2013, 06:26 PM
Like the LA Coliseum, you would put home plate in the NorthWest corner of the stadium. Center field and right field could be a deep as you want. A football field is 160' wide, and when you add in the sidelines, especially with our deep sideline, my guess is that you could get left field to about 220' feet if done correctly.Then you would just construct a massive 40 foot tall screen as the left field fence, just like the LA Coliseum.

Honestly, how much different would this be than what Kentucky already plays in?

10-15-2013, 06:27 PM
Like the LA Coliseum, you would put home plate in the NorthWest corner of the stadium. Center field and right field could be a deep as you want. A football field is 160' wide, and when you add in the sidelines, especially with our deep sideline, my guess is that you could get left field to about 220' feet if done correctly.Then you would just construct a massive 40 foot tall screen as the left field fence, just like the LA Coliseum.

Why aren't you at the HOF tonight pitching this?

10-15-2013, 06:29 PM
Why aren't you at the HOF tonight pitching this?

Because it would've taken me an 8 hour drive to get there. But pitching it here is just as good. We just have to get it bumped

10-15-2013, 06:34 PM
Plus by doing this, the Athletic department could sell a ton of premium seating in the football stadium for baseball season to help pay for the new stadium. You could sell the skyboxes and new end zone premium season. It could make a ton of money

10-15-2013, 06:35 PM
Because it would've taken me an 8 hour drive to get there. But pitching here is just as good. We just have to get it bumped

It's a wild idea, but I seriously do think we should look into it. That would be far better than playing home games in Jackson or Memphis IMO.

Plus, I would love to finally see a winner in Davis Wade. (<<See what I did there)

10-15-2013, 06:55 PM
[QUOTE=ShotgunDawg;66285]Like the LA Coliseum, you would put home plate in the NorthWest corner of the stadium. Center field and right field could be a deep as you want. A football field is 160' wide, and when you add in the sidelines, especially with our deep sideline, my guess is that you could get left field to about 220' feet if done correctly.Then you would just construct a massive 40 foot tall screen as the left field fence, just like the LA Coliseum.

Honestly, how much different would this be than what Kentucky already plays in?[/
A lot.

10-15-2013, 06:59 PM
Sorry. We don't have retractable seats. Unless I want left field to be 250 ft away.

The LA Dodgers played at the LA Coliseum from 1958 till 1962, and even hosted a World Series, while Dodger Stadium was being built. Left field was only 250 feet, but had a 40 foot tall fence/net that you had to hit it over for a HR.

Yes, this would be gimmicky, but IT IS a viable way to play baseball in Starkville, make a ton of money, and set all sorts of attendance records while the new stadium would be under construction on the current DNF site.

Maybe you could mix this with Trustmark Park when the Braves were on the road. I think it would be awesome and historical for 1 season.

10-15-2013, 07:03 PM
It's crazy and off the wall, but I think it's at least worth looking in to. At the very least, that's interesting to think about.

And yeah, they could rent out the boxes and clubs to raise money for the new stadium. Sort of make it like a huge fundraiser... I don't know if it's possible or if the administration would go for it, but yeah, it is a neat idea.

10-15-2013, 07:23 PM
The big question...

What would the indians think? The last thing we need is to curse our best program*

10-15-2013, 07:27 PM
The big question...

What would the indians think? The last thing we need is to curse our best program*

You can be damn sure that you would see more bad hops, bad calls, and general bad luck in that one season than you have seen in the history of our baseball program.*