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View Full Version : MLB Draft question - slot values

07-06-2018, 04:38 PM
I've never really studied it too much, but why not just have slot values that are rigid and not these weird floating ranges.

Just say the $10 pick in the draft gets $10M. No (or very little) negotiation around the base figures, just some of the secondary clauses. Seems that would make it more simple on everybody involved.

I know the NBA sets a scale and i think there is a variance from 80%-120%, the NFL I think is even more rigid.

I'm sure there is a reason for the complicated mess it is, but can someone explain it?

07-06-2018, 04:46 PM
Well one reason I have seen is in front of us now. The MLB organizations don't have physicals of the players until after they are drafted. I'm not sure why they operate that way.

07-06-2018, 08:32 PM
It would make it more simple but it's not rigid because having flexibility is an advantage for MLB. They would sign fewer players if the slots were rigid. Or at the very least it would change the way that they draft.

07-06-2018, 10:43 PM
It would certainly change the way they draft and i think for the better. I really hate the fact that so many college JR's that have a very low shot at MLB leave early simply because it's the only time they feel they have leverage in negotiations and players that stay for their SR year are basically screwed over come deal time if they are a mid to late draft pick.