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View Full Version : What do Penn State and Ole Miss have in common?

10-04-2013, 12:12 PM
At the root of Penn State's issues were that they put football above humanity. The coaches did. The administration did. The fans did too.

At Ole Miss, Freeze's language and what's coming out from McCready indicate that they are leaving playgate to the student affairs people at Ole Miss - people who probably have no authortiy to hold players out of a football game.

10-04-2013, 12:31 PM
After doing a good bit of reading about the Penn State affair, most of it outside the mainstream press, I have come to believe that the average PS fan had no clue what was going on there. Having said that, however, I also believe, because what transpired was so heinous, that they had to be made an example of. I agree fully that coaches and admin. had to know, or at least suspect, what was going on. Most Penn St. fans would fall into the "victim" (albeit on a comparatively minor scale) category, too.

10-04-2013, 12:33 PM
I think it would be a good idea to get a better source of what happened than a student newspaper that has been known to get things wrong in the past.

The DM story seemed calculated to serve as chum in the water for PCbots nationwide. If you listen to some other accounts, it starts to sound a little sketchy.

Short version: There's about 99% chance that "playgate" doesn't rise to the Nuremberg level of atrocity.

10-04-2013, 12:48 PM
At the root of Penn State's issues were that they put football above humanity. The coaches did. The administration did. The fans did too.

At Ole Miss, Freeze's language and what's coming out from McCready indicate that they are leaving playgate to the student affairs people at Ole Miss - people who probably have no authortiy to hold players out of a football game.

Just proves what kind of man Hugh is.
Plus there is no way that Hugh doesn't already know what the outcome is going to be. No chance he or any coach would leave it in hands of "student affairs".. He is doing this to deflect whatever happens off of him. Which means nothing will come of this and he will not look like the POS that he really is..
After they do nothing about this he will say that since student affairs handled this in house to their satisfaction, the Ole Miss football family will now handle it on their end.. which will be something to the extent of him saying their strength coach will make them pay for this.. blah blah blah

10-04-2013, 12:57 PM
Crunchy Mike was expelled for saying the n-word on a YouTube video.

These people should be treated the same.