View Full Version : request regarding the NOAs

06-07-2017, 09:30 AM
I can't remember who it was who did the one-pager breakdown explaining the various allegations in the 2016 NOA. Maybe it was Devious Dawg, though I'm not sure?

Although I'm reading the NOA document myself, I (and I think others) would appreciate it if whoever did that breakdown, would follow upon it with the new allegations added in the same manner - so now it would be a two-pager.

Thanks in advance!

06-07-2017, 10:01 AM
It's a handful huh? I don't know how the COI is going to have time to read and respond to all of this. I can imagine them reading about ten pages of OM's BS response and someone just making a motion to punish OM back to the stone age just for their audacity to try to play the COI as fools.