View Full Version : Why Hasn't The CL or Mike Bonner Tweeted About Jeff Simmons 4.0 GPA?

12-17-2016, 02:39 PM
In light of yesterday's video of Joe Mixon & due to how big of a story the Clarion Ledger, Dan Wolken, & others made about Simmons' issue last Spring, I can't help but wonder why none of them have bothered to offer an update on his life?

Just seems that if we are telling both sides of the story, perhaps it's completely fair to be outraged by what Simmons' did last Spring, but at the same time report on his progress. After all, if he was such big story last Spring, then why wouldn't people be interested in hearing about what a smart, disciplined kid he is?

- Is it yesterday's news & no one cares anymore?

- Does only bad news sell?

- Does it not fit the agenda? Everyone wants to give up on these kids while, at the same time, complaining about how many drug dealers, murderers, & criminals there are on the streets?

- Getting a 4.0 GPA is in no way relevant to the entire story of Simmons?

Again, just seems like this story would have registered a little big more than it has.

12-17-2016, 02:43 PM
4.0 that's awesome!! And he's All-SEC Freshman, Congrats Jeff we in Maroon are all rooting for you (except the fake MSU trolls that wanted you kicked off the team and threw up all over this board about it for 2 months) What were the names of those posters again? Don't be shy

12-17-2016, 03:09 PM
Dog bites man not news....man bites dog...news

12-17-2016, 03:11 PM
You would think that would be a newsworthy story ... Simmons along with the other 4 with perfect GPAs. And the 30 or so that had a > 3.0. That's pretty darn good, regardless of their majors.

Bucky Dog
12-17-2016, 03:19 PM
Wait for it......OU suspended Mixon for an entire year, while Simmons only gets one game!!!

12-17-2016, 03:23 PM
He's too busy tweeting about how MSU/OM fan bases should grow up...

12-17-2016, 03:33 PM
He's too busy tweeting about how MSU/OM fan bases should grow up...

Here's what I have noticed in my 3 decades of MSU fandom:

1: State has little to no influence in the media (for a multitude of reasons)
2: tsun has stacked the deck within the state media
3: tsun beat writers have a circle jerk and puke positivety all over the world when a tsun athlete shows up to class on time or completes a pass in practice
4. MSU beat writers attempt to be fair and balanced which usually equates to posting all things negative that may (or may not) happen at MSU while ignoring the positives
5: if a state player farts and it smells then it will be reported by the CL
6: repeat as nauseum

12-17-2016, 03:50 PM
The Mixon situation is not relevant to the Simmons situation.

12-17-2016, 03:52 PM
Abdul Ado had a 4.0 this fall yet the NCAA ruled him ineligible to play this year but now he can practice. Go figure....

12-17-2016, 05:35 PM
Abdul Ado had a 4.0 this fall yet the NCAA ruled him ineligible to play this year but now he can practice. Go figure....

Is Ado currently in school at MSU? His 4.0 must be a record for a basketball player .... **

confucius say
12-17-2016, 06:34 PM
Wouldn't fit the narrative.

12-17-2016, 10:03 PM
Love how it's crickets from all those saying Simmons shoulda been kicked off the team or suspended for a year. Where y'all at? Hello is there anybody out there?


Offshore Dawg
12-17-2016, 10:09 PM
Typical CL agenda, they are cock suckers for the bears and the owners of the paper do not want anything printed that reflects a positive note for State. It has been that way my entire life and I am 66, and was born in Jackson.

12-18-2016, 04:31 PM
Wait for it......OU suspended Mixon for an entire year, while Simmons only gets one game!!!

After the Mixon video came out, a bunch of Rebels went on twitter to criticize Mullen and Simmons saying just that and @'ing media people about Simmons.

The Rebs sure do have a lot of active twitter people with small numbers of followers.

12-18-2016, 05:08 PM
Can we gust summarize that the CL and Ole Miss suck CK And be done?