View Full Version : Trail cam pics: question on bucks

09-16-2016, 11:15 PM
Have any of you fellas got pics of your bucks having shed their velvet yet? I have some that have not at all and some that are fully hard-horned already. Really odd considering I still see them trying to just start bringing in what I assume is fall/winter coat

09-20-2016, 11:56 PM
Have any of you fellas got pics of your bucks having shed their velvet yet? I have some that have not at all and some that are fully hard-horned already. Really odd considering I still see them trying to just start bringing in what I assume is fall/winter coat


Barking 13
09-21-2016, 01:11 AM
I haven't even seen any bucks yet on my place. Only does and fawns, but they set off the proximity alarms pretty often.. moving a good bit.
My bucks historically have been really nocturnal, so you don't see many in the daytime. I gotta get my cams out soon...

09-21-2016, 09:04 AM
especially since your cameras are out at peak of shed. Its like the rut or fawning season....there is a couple week peak, where a large majority shed, but your whole herd could take a month or more.

09-23-2016, 11:48 AM

Date is wrong, this guy needs 2 more years...