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08-17-2016, 07:09 PM

Why would you put this out there unless you are intentionally trying to make our program look bad? We should cut off their access and see how they like that.

08-17-2016, 07:13 PM
That's an NCAA rule. I am one who defends Bonner most of the time, but if he honestly think that we don't allow the walk-ons to eat the food as our rule then he is just a dipshit.

08-17-2016, 07:24 PM
EXACTLY!!! But he doesn't put it out there as an NCAA rule. He lets it be interpreted that Mullen runs an A hole program that treats walkons like 2nd class citizens. He manages to find a negative angle on what ought to be a completely positive story for us in that we award TWO scholarships to walkons.

08-17-2016, 07:30 PM
All he had to say: "per NCAA rules..." I sure hope nobody follows hom or anyone else from the CL on twitter or any other social media outlet.

Lumpy Chucklelips
08-17-2016, 08:03 PM
If everybody would unfollow his ass like they say they have the C-L, we wouldn't have to worry about him

08-17-2016, 08:04 PM
There is still plenty of room and seats left on the
**** Bonner Bus ... Y'all need to come aboard.. I have been the driver for almost 2 years now...

08-17-2016, 08:07 PM
Scott simply needs to pull their credentials and it's solved. Not sure why that hasn't happened yet- especially after the Josh Robinson incident where Dan basically called Bonner out in a press conference over "irresponsible journalism". I'm not sure why we are being a limp d*** about this because the Clarion-Ledger needs us more than they need them. By a LONG shot.

08-17-2016, 08:10 PM
There's a good angle to this. The NCAA knows we're following the rules

08-17-2016, 08:12 PM
There's a good angle to this. The NCAA knows we're following the rules

Yeah- because if we weren't it would be a 16 page expose'.

Jack Lambert
08-17-2016, 09:01 PM
There is still plenty of room and seats left on the
**** Bonner Bus ... Y'all need to come aboard.. I have been the driver for almost 2 years now...

I find it hard to believe that anyone else would fit in the bus with his big ego,

08-17-2016, 09:25 PM
Dan Mullen could walk on water to save a drowning child and The CL headline would be "Dan Mullen Can't Swim!"

08-17-2016, 09:34 PM
Can we get a journalist to ask Stricklin if he has considered limiting access to the CL over their numerous egregious "mistakes" in covering State? We've got to put some pressure on Stricklin to stand up to those clowns. If it were OM or Bama these fools would be collecting unemployment checks.

08-17-2016, 09:35 PM
Bonner did really drop the ball here & didn't think this through.

That being said, at least this sheds light on how serious the NCAA will be about not allowing Ole Miss to attract recruited walk-ons once they go on scholarship.

I do think this is a crappy rule though. I get walk-ons not receiving meal money, stipends, etc, but food when they are on the team shouldn't be an issue. Doesn't seem right.

08-17-2016, 09:38 PM
Can we get a journalist to ask Stricklin if he has considered limiting access to the CL over their numerous egregious "mistakes" in covering State? We've got to put some pressure on Stricklin to stand up to those clowns. If it were OM or Bama these fools would be collecting unemployment checks.

You simply can't do that. The backlash from the national media would far outweigh what you may have gained by limiting the CL access.

I really think you guys are taking the wrong angle at this. Yes, the CL has treated MSU poorly, but there are political ways to handle it that actually have good outcomes. Banning the CL from MSU is not a political angle that would have a good outcome. It's an extremely short sighted perspective that brings with it numerous negative unintended consequences.

I'd much rather the CL write stupid shit & us & everyone else gets to make fun of them, than to have to deal with Forde, Finebaum, Wolken, Feldman, etc writing scathing articles that only hurt MSU. And yes the national writers would absolutely take the CL's side on this to protect their own industry.

What I'd do, if I were Stricklin, is invite the CL sports department to campus for a day, wine & dine them with Mullen, Cohen, & Howland, & have a talk with them about why they continue to suck with MSU coverage. Put forth a case with examples & make them discuss it to your face. That way you develop a working relationship with those folks to the point where you can privately call them out when they write something that is unfair.

IMO, this is the best way to handle it & the way, while having to suck up some pride, offers you the best chance of getting what you truly want: Positive press from the CL & a fair shake

08-17-2016, 09:40 PM
I too wish we would just pull their "press passes". Let them buy a ticket (preferably from a scalper, because we are sold out)! These articles certainly can't get any worse or less informed. We don't need them at all for their constant garbage. Maybe our AD will make the move. Say what you will, UM would never put up with this.

08-17-2016, 09:42 PM
I can fathom how misrable that dude's life is for him to be this big of a douchebag towards MSU. It's like he's got a grudge or something petty like that.

08-17-2016, 09:46 PM
ShotgunDawg, what do you mean by political ways (if they can be put on this board)? I don't subscribe to their print or internet page. I only read when I get free views and feel guilt from ED when giving these few clicks. Heck, I wouldn't know about most negative stories if I didn't read comments about them here.

08-17-2016, 09:49 PM
ShotgunDawg, what do you mean by political ways (if they can be put on this board)? I don't subscribe to their print or internet page. I only read when I get free views and feel guilt from ED when giving these few clicks. Heck, I wouldn't know about most negative stories if I didn't read comments about them here.

I just mean that instead of fighting them, we should get closer to them. Keep your friends close & the your enemies closer.

Fighting the media is for losers. The best executives I've ever been around controlled the media by respecting them & giving them access. I've been around one successful executive that would invite media members to his office where he'd have some scotch & wine. He'd tell them that everything that was talked about in that office was "off the record" & couldn't be written about in an article. Then he'd tell them, "ask me anything & I'll tell you as much as I can."

He & the media would sit in the office & talk for an hour or so, he'd tell them some off the record stuff, &, in turn, the media was always fair with him. Why? Because he respected them.

The best way for MSU to fix it's problem with the media is show them respect. Handling the media is part of what makes excellent sport's executives, excellent. It's part of the world we live & the quicker you except that & embrace it, the better off you will be.

Sports writers become sports writers because they love sports & want access. So how do you pander to them? Talk about sports with them & give them access. In return, they will be fair.

08-17-2016, 09:56 PM
Shotgun, you're right. I agree with trying to bring them on board without banning them but there needs to at least be a smiling threat.

We need to do something about PR. It is killing us right now and this is not a good time for it with OM about to get hammered. We need to be ready to capitalize in the media.

08-17-2016, 10:04 PM
Shotgun, you're right. I agree with trying to bring them on board without banning them but there needs to at least be a smiling threat.

We need to do something about PR. It is killing us right now and this is not a good time for it with OM about to get hammered. We need to be ready to capitalize in the media.

Agree. And giving them access is part of the "smiling threat". You offer them something above & beyond while also giving them the responsibility of not writing about things "off the record" & they feel indebted to you.

It's not all that difficult to create a soft media market. You just have to know where your bread is buttered.

Here's an example. Jerry Jones has it figured out. In this picture, Jerry Jones is drinking with Mike Fisher, one of the top Cowboys beat writers. Think Jerry knows how to control the media?


08-17-2016, 10:06 PM
I see what you mean, everything except trusting them at this time with some "off the record stuff". Heck, they would print that in a heartbeat. Show mutual respect, give exclusive info, but work our way up to ever discussing off the record things with them.

08-17-2016, 10:13 PM
I just mean that instead of fighting them, we should get closer to them. Keep your friends close & the your enemies closer.

Fighting the media is for losers. The best executives I've ever been around controlled the media by respecting them & giving them access. I've been around one successful executive that would invite media members to his office where he'd have some scotch & wine. He'd tell them that everything that was talked about in that office was "off the record" & couldn't be written about in an article. Then he'd tell them, "ask me anything & I'll tell you as much as I can."

He & the media would sit in the office & talk for an hour or so, he'd tell them some off the record stuff, &, in turn, the media was always fair with him. Why? Because he respected them.

The best way for MSU to fix it's problem with the media is show them respect. Handling the media is part of what makes excellent sport's executives, excellent. It's part of the world we live & the quicker you except that & embrace it, the better off you will be.

Sports writers become sports writers because they love sports & want access. So how do you pander to them? Talk about sports with them & give them access. In return, they will be fair.

I disagree. Remember the John Rocker story when he told that writer some things "off the record"? Hell, the media in New York City tried to get Billy Martin fired in the 1970's. They don't always follow that. Especially when you have two parties involved (MSU and Ole Miss)

I also remember the St. Louis media pissing off Tony LaRussa and after he almost kicked the reporters ass the Cardinals pulled their credentials. Their ass straightened up pretty quick because shortly thereafter they had their "professional meeting".

08-17-2016, 10:18 PM
Shotgun, you're right. I agree with trying to bring them on board without banning them but there needs to at least be a smiling threat.

We need to do something about PR. It is killing us right now and this is not a good time for it with OM about to get hammered. We need to be ready to capitalize in the media.

No question we handle the media poorly. We let freaking beat writers bully us around. Instead of suspending Simmons indefinitely we let out that we suspended him one game. Hell, we had Sallach telling the media "Potential gets you beat" which was among the dumbest things I have ever heard from a coach. It's just a complete trainwreck.

We need to go to Alabama and learn how Saban handles the media. Sure, he looks like a complete ass on his annual tirade over the media overlooking Georgia State but they also fear him and it makes them think twice about asking dumb questions.

08-17-2016, 10:25 PM
So Saban doesn't have them over for drinks and a dinner in a 5 star restaurant on his expense account? Now, I getting confused, but we're not Saban.

08-17-2016, 10:26 PM
Here is the incident I am talking about.


08-17-2016, 10:32 PM
Saban can get away with just about anything with the media. He gets grilled and he goes off. Remember him being questioned about possible suspensions for the two players "arrested" in La.? Dan gets grilled about Simmons and the one game suspension. It's Monday morning QB, but we should have said it was being handled within the program like Saban does. National championships (real and imagined) and mega $'s change the level of many playing fields. MHO.

08-17-2016, 10:35 PM
Saban can get away with just about anything with the media. He gets grilled and he goes off. Remember him being questioned about possible suspensions for the two players "arrested" in La.? Dan gets grilled about Simmons and the one game suspension. It's Monday morning QB, but we should have said it was being handled within the program like Saban does. National championships (real and imagined) and mega $'s change the level of many playing fields. MHO.

I do but it's not just about being Alabama. It's about standing up for yourself.

08-17-2016, 10:40 PM
SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!! Our PR is literally the worst in the SEC. Kentucky and Vanderbilt get treated better than we do. For some reason it has been this way at least since the late 90s. Stricklin needs to do something.

08-17-2016, 10:47 PM
Unless Ky or Vandy football improves, nobody cares much about their programs outside their fanbases, but I bet the Ky BB program wouldn't put up with garbage like this constantly from their media outlets.

08-18-2016, 06:19 AM
You simply can't do that. The backlash from the national media would far outweigh what you may have gained by limiting the CL access.

I really think you guys are taking the wrong angle at this. Yes, the CL has treated MSU poorly, but there are political ways to handle it that actually have good outcomes. Banning the CL from MSU is not a political angle that would have a good outcome. It's an extremely short sighted perspective that brings with it numerous negative unintended consequences.

I'd much rather the CL write stupid shit & us & everyone else gets to make fun of them, than to have to deal with Forde, Finebaum, Wolken, Feldman, etc writing scathing articles that only hurt MSU. And yes the national writers would absolutely take the CL's side on this to protect their own industry.

What I'd do, if I were Stricklin, is invite the CL sports department to campus for a day, wine & dine them with Mullen, Cohen, & Howland, & have a talk with them about why they continue to suck with MSU coverage. Put forth a case with examples & make them discuss it to your face. That way you develop a working relationship with those folks to the point where you can privately call them out when they write something that is unfair.

IMO, this is the best way to handle it & the way, while having to suck up some pride, offers you the best chance of getting what you truly want: Positive press from the CL & a fair shake


08-18-2016, 06:36 AM
Agreed, this is somewhere State has never excelled.

I saw an interview with Jack Cristil where they essentially asked him "What is MSU worst at?"

His answer, much like his commentary, was brilliant, short, and to the point.
It was essentially:

"MSU people are great thinkers, workers, and doers, but they don't realize when they are in political fights"

I think he mentioned how long it took to get 4 lane roads built to Starkville compared to other places.

08-18-2016, 06:44 AM
Everyone dumps on Hevesy because we know his name and see his work. Well, someone on this page I just linked needs to do a better job. Add Stricklin himself as the first name and we need to see some changes because there is something very wrong with our approach, execution or both.


08-18-2016, 06:52 AM
Beig nice to the CL is not going to work. They actively pull against us and look for a reason to drag our name through the mud. Buying them a drink and a ribeye every now and then is not going to change that. This is the equivalent to hiring a Cowboys executive to write news stories about Redskins and expect it to be unbiased. Let them know we are not telling them what to write, but if what they write is not fair and impartial then expect consequences.

08-18-2016, 07:33 AM
Agree. And giving them access is part of the "smiling threat". You offer them something above & beyond while also giving them the responsibility of not writing about things "off the record" & they feel indebted to you.

It's not all that difficult to create a soft media market. You just have to know where your bread is buttered.

Here's an example. Jerry Jones has it figured out. In this picture, Jerry Jones is drinking with Mike Fisher, one of the top Cowboys beat writers. Think Jerry knows how to control the media?


I don't know the answer, but Bob Hartley was the most well liked and respected SID in the South. Ask any writer from that time and they will say "Mr. Bob" treated them like kings and was their favorite SID in the world.

And they still dogged out Mississippi State.

So that didn't work. You can't yank credentials, so looks like we are just gonna have to take it, unless we get some homer reporters. Sekou Smith is the only one we had I can remember.

08-18-2016, 07:45 AM
We have to find a happy medium here. We do need the media and IMO don't need to be pulling credentials. What I'd love to see is wait for Bonner to ask Mullen a stupid question, and Mullen answer with, "Well, the NCCA rule is to not allow walk-ons some of the same privileges as scholarship players, so thanks for inferring that we spitefully treat them as second class citizens...so should I take your question seriously or not? Apparently you don't take reporting all of the facts seriously..."

Bobby Knight was loved and hated by the media. Mullen needs to get tough with them...as do our other coaches.

Don't pull creds, just treat the ones that treat us like crap, in kind. Let them know that we won't stand for anything but fair coverage.

08-18-2016, 07:45 AM
Beig nice to the CL is not going to work. They actively pull against us and look for a reason to drag our name through the mud. Buying them a drink and a ribeye every now and then is not going to change that. This is the equivalent to hiring a Cowboys executive to write news stories about Redskins and expect it to be unbiased. Let them know we are not telling them what to write, but if what they write is not fair and impartial then expect consequences.

I fail to see how being nice to the Clarion Rebel will in any way get us positive press from them. When they have an agenda as has been demonstrated we can't expect fair or reasonable treatment. I suggest inviting them in for a face to face and explaining that they are on their last leg, either fair treatment or no treatment. By no treatment, they get limited access to MSU and no requests for interviews or questions should be granted.

08-18-2016, 08:32 AM
Beig nice to the CL is not going to work. They actively pull against us and look for a reason to drag our name through the mud. Buying them a drink and a ribeye every now and then is not going to change that. This is the equivalent to hiring a Cowboys executive to write news stories about Redskins and expect it to be unbiased. Let them know we are not telling them what to write, but if what they write is not fair and impartial then expect consequences.

Does not seem to hurt UM...

Sam Hall tweeted out a little while ago that UM has restricted HK, DP, and Blevins(of course) at one time or another.

08-18-2016, 08:48 AM
I think he was just trying to show the emotional difficulty of being a walk on. I don't think he was trying to make us look bad. It just shows the hazards or reporting in the twitter age. Plus a lot of our fanbase is at war against the CL.

We do have the front sports page story today. Article about Mixon with color photos. Only of the big 3 on C1 today, a rare occurrence.

I seen it dawg
08-18-2016, 09:24 AM
Why does anyone pay attention to anything that paper does

08-18-2016, 10:02 AM
You simply can't do that. The backlash from the national media would far outweigh what you may have gained by limiting the CL access.

I really think you guys are taking the wrong angle at this. Yes, the CL has treated MSU poorly, but there are political ways to handle it that actually have good outcomes. Banning the CL from MSU is not a political angle that would have a good outcome. It's an extremely short sighted perspective that brings with it numerous negative unintended consequences.

I'd much rather the CL write stupid shit & us & everyone else gets to make fun of them, than to have to deal with Forde, Finebaum, Wolken, Feldman, etc writing scathing articles that only hurt MSU. And yes the national writers would absolutely take the CL's side on this to protect their own industry.

What I'd do, if I were Stricklin, is invite the CL sports department to campus for a day, wine & dine them with Mullen, Cohen, & Howland, & have a talk with them about why they continue to suck with MSU coverage. Put forth a case with examples & make them discuss it to your face. That way you develop a working relationship with those folks to the point where you can privately call them out when they write something that is unfair.

IMO, this is the best way to handle it & the way, while having to suck up some pride, offers you the best chance of getting what you truly want: Positive press from the CL & a fair shake

LMAO. Fuq that.

08-18-2016, 10:07 AM
Hey Shotgun...maybe if we're nice to RedCupRebellon, ForwardRebels, etc, they'll be nicer to us too, huh?

BS! I say we pull those credentials, and announce it on a competing paper, SI, etc, providing reasons and examples of the obvious bias toward UNM.

That way, if & when it draws the attention of other media members, it's not just, "MSU pulls credentials", rather it's, "Is there media bias in Mississippi", or, "CL faces charge of conspiring with Ole Miss - Involved in cover-up?".

We follow that up with an intense social media campaign. That's become more powerful than print media. Take those pricks on, or expect the same or worse treatment to continue.

Screw this cumbaya crap! If you want to cya a bit...give the CL a warning first, spelling out their credentials will be pulled if they don;t get their shit together. That way, you can point that out when you do pull 'em. And make it clear you'll reinstate them as soon as their level of professionalism and fairness improves.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick" means you sometimes have to be willing to use the big stick to get your respect.

08-18-2016, 10:45 AM
If the Clarion Ledger's credentials were pulled today, 90% of our fans wouldn't notice. It's time.

08-18-2016, 10:55 AM
Food is provided to the players after practice. I learned that walk-ons aren't allowed to eat that food. Have to walk by it and watch others

Some of yall are acting like dramatic little girls. If it had said, "I learned that MSU walk-ons aren't allowed to eat that food." then I could understand everybody's heartburn, but pretty much nobody with a brain reads this tweet and thinks that this is an MSU rule. Sure, he should have specified that it's the NCAA that doesn't allow them to eat, and I would imagine that he would have if he had been typing up an article on this.....but some details are going to be left out when information is put out in 140 characters or less on Twitter. We would get absolutely roasted by every media outlet that covers the SEC if we limited access over something like this, and deservedly so.

Now as to the CL's shitty coverage of MSU in general, and their bias towards OM.....I am of the opinion that the only way to have an impact on that is for companies owned by MSU boosters (like Miskelly's) to pull their advertising. You can bet your ass that OM boosters would do that.

08-18-2016, 11:39 AM
Now as to the CL's shitty coverage of MSU in general, and their bias towards OM.....I am of the opinion that the only way to have an impact on that is for companies owned by MSU boosters (like Miskelly's) to pull their advertising. You can bet your ass that OM boosters would do that.


08-18-2016, 11:44 AM
Hey Shotgun...maybe if we're nice to RedCupRebellon, ForwardRebels, etc, they'll be nicer to us too, huh?

BS! I say we pull those credentials, and announce it on a competing paper, SI, etc, providing reasons and examples of the obvious bias toward UNM.

That way, if & when it draws the attention of other media members, it's not just, "MSU pulls credentials", rather it's, "Is there media bias in Mississippi", or, "CL faces charge of conspiring with Ole Miss - Involved in cover-up?".

We follow that up with an intense social media campaign. That's become more powerful than print media. Take those pricks on, or expect the same or worse treatment to continue.

Screw this cumbaya crap! If you want to cya a bit...give the CL a warning first, spelling out their credentials will be pulled if they don;t get their shit together. That way, you can point that out when you do pull 'em. And make it clear you'll reinstate them as soon as their level of professionalism and fairness improves.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick" means you sometimes have to be willing to use the big stick to get your respect.


08-18-2016, 11:47 AM
Now as to the CL's shitty coverage of MSU in general, and their bias towards OM.....I am of the opinion that the only way to have an impact on that is for companies owned by MSU boosters (like Miskelly's) to pull their advertising. You can bet your ass that OM boosters would do that.

This is my opinion as well. If you want to do this correctly, then the athletic department has to pressure MSU businesses to stop advertising with them without leaving behind a trail of provable collusion.

Then the athletic department plays good cop about the entire situation to the CL

08-18-2016, 12:43 PM
We have to find a happy medium here. We do need the media and IMO don't need to be pulling credentials. What I'd love to see is wait for Bonner to ask Mullen a stupid question, and Mullen answer with, "Well, the NCCA rule is to not allow walk-ons some of the same privileges as scholarship players, so thanks for inferring that we spitefully treat them as second class citizens...so should I take your question seriously or not? Apparently you don't take reporting all of the facts seriously..."

Bobby Knight was loved and hated by the media. Mullen needs to get tough with them...as do our other coaches.

Don't pull creds, just treat the ones that treat us like crap, in kind. Let them know that we won't stand for anything but fair coverage.

Plus + 1

08-18-2016, 12:49 PM
We have to find a happy medium here. We do need the media and IMO don't need to be pulling credentials. What I'd love to see is wait for Bonner to ask Mullen a stupid question, and Mullen answer with, "Well, the NCCA rule is to not allow walk-ons some of the same privileges as scholarship players, so thanks for inferring that we spitefully treat them as second class citizens...so should I take your question seriously or not? Apparently you don't take reporting all of the facts seriously..."

Bobby Knight was loved and hated by the media. Mullen needs to get tough with them...as do our other coaches.

Don't pull creds, just treat the ones that treat us like crap, in kind. Let them know that we won't stand for anything but fair coverage.

Plus + 1

08-18-2016, 01:16 PM
Yeah, some of y'all need to have a drink and get laid. Much to do about nothing. I Knew exactly who he was referring (NCAA) at first glance.

08-18-2016, 01:34 PM

It's not defamation if it's true. I see nothing in your definition that would be of concern.