View Full Version : Its 8:53 on 08.22.2013 where's the new uniforms

08-22-2013, 08:56 AM
They better not be (fill in the name of random adidas school) reused designs. IF I look at these and say, "dang they are exactly like so and so teams uniforms" I say we fire someone over it.

Now given that they will look something like the other teams because of the adidas branding, but don't try to force feed us some crap about making the uniforms look like our banner and then give A and M practically the exact same uniform.

Also note: how about our team not being the absolute last adidas team to unveil our uniforms next year.

The Croom Diaries
08-22-2013, 09:07 AM
why do you care? how many uniform threads can we get? my wife cares about what the uniform looks like, I never even notice them unless they are totally different like the snow bowl ones were. Not sure why anyone with a set would care about uniforms.

08-22-2013, 09:10 AM
Someone should create a fashion board for all the metros.

08-22-2013, 09:13 AM
[METRO enters Stage Right holding satchel and wearing a tight, deep-v shirt and skinny jeans. Grasping phone in right hand he seems disgruntled as he talks on the phone]
METRO: I can't believe that the jersey's this year aren't like the old ones! I swear, I think we just need to hire a fashion designer like ME to do these uniforms.
[Close Curtain]