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View Full Version : How Long before the Beaver Dam is blown???

05-14-2016, 12:09 AM
A large(I hope) portion of us here have seen through Bucky's religious cloak from day one and are assurprise by the latest revelations as we are that water is wet or fire is hot.

When we all heard that Archie had "found his coach" any logical person should have known the message. Archie was brought up amongst the corruption. I'll admit I had an uncle go to Bama amidst the same corruption. That's how I know what went on.

Archie knows the loopholes or supposed loopholes and got rid of a coach who wasn't on board for one who was.

Let's go back. Houston Dale Nutt was brought in to right the ship. HDN was not on the same page of the OM rouge boosters. The same rouge boosters today were prevalent then as they are now. There was one kicker with HDN and boosters is that the boosters were paying $$$ and promising recruits Playing time, etc. HDN was not in on these conversations and was put off and attempted to squash. The end of his tenure was a prime example because the inmates were running the asylum.

Similar to today, the alumni are throwing their daughters and money at players, while the coach has more knowledge on the situation than everyone involved.

The bigger question for any OM dipshit or college football fan is, how would you listen to or follow a person who's preached from the highest of pulpits that will not allow his deposition be made public? Is ot is it me or do "so called" religious folk want their followers to continue their faith? I seem to recall John 8:32. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."