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View Full Version : Even UConn has learned to play the Compliance Game...

08-05-2013, 01:06 PM



Yep -- we're just holding on to our PE Coach while all the best and brightest(with experience on the other side of NCAA compliance) are getting gobbled up elsewhere...

08-05-2013, 01:15 PM
You blog guys need to hit this up. We need to press this issue.

08-05-2013, 01:36 PM
Ugh, I think both Byrne's and Strickland's worst decisions so far as AD has been not revamping our compliance department. It seems the NCAA eligibility department just scoffs at us. No matter the sport it seems a 1.5 year suspension is in the cards for our guys for reinstatement. Watch Johnny F immediately get reinstated even though there is an investigation going on. Cam Newton was two days...Of course, I don't think A&M is going that route. I think they should either combine the eligibility and enforcement arms at the NCAA or do away with one or the other. It's almost like the NCAA gets two bites at the apple. Seems very crappy to me.

08-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Ugh, I think both Byrne's and Strickland's worst decisions so far as AD has been not revamping our compliance department. It seems the NCAA eligibility department just scoffs at us. No matter the sport it seems a 1.5 year suspension is in the cards for our guys for reinstatement. Watch Johnny F immediately get reinstated even though there is an investigation going on. Cam Newton was two days...Of course, I don't think A&M is going that route. I think they should either combine the eligibility and enforcement arms at the NCAA or do away with one or the other. It's almost like the NCAA gets two bites at the apple. Seems very crappy to me.

This is the absolute WORST part of our compliance department. Whatever the MAXIMUM suspension a player can get for whatever happened our player will get it. From Sidney, to the Russian BB player, to now Will Redmond. Seriously, when is the last time a college football player lost A YEAR AND A HALF of eligibility for ANYTHING! Much less for a few hundred dollars and a "car discount" that he paid back anyway? That is beyond ridiculous. Please someone send Bracky out to pasture.

08-05-2013, 02:08 PM

Terrell Pryor got 6 games! SIX. GAMES.

AJ Green got 4 games for selling his jersey for a grand at UGA -- about half the money in impermissible benefit Redmond was "convicted" of. Redmond got NINETEEN GAMES.

08-05-2013, 05:16 PM
Can anyone forward this thread to SS? The more he knows the better.

08-06-2013, 08:28 AM
I'm confident Stricklin is aware of the trend. There's clearly a difference in attitude at our University with regards to compliance. We strive to stay on the right side of the law, so to speak. What sucks is where that approach should earn some degree of leniency, there's no evidence that it has. The Redmond deal sucks balls.

08-06-2013, 09:05 AM
Exactly, DD.

Bo Bounds interviewed some national guy and asked if aTm should come out and fully cooperate. The guy was like hell no because there is no indication that the NCAA acts with any consistency. The NCAA could wrist slap aTm or burn them to the ground.

08-06-2013, 10:42 AM
I'm confident Stricklin is aware of the trend. There's clearly a difference in attitude at our University with regards to compliance. We strive to stay on the right side of the law, so to speak. What sucks is where that approach should earn some degree of leniency, there's no evidence that it has. The Redmond deal sucks balls.

There is a BIG, BIG difference is striving to stay on the right side of the law and handing the NCAA the loaded gun to shoot you with when an issue arises. There will be issues no matter how much you try to do things right, and when those issues pop up there is no reason to just lay down for the NCAA to beat you to a pulp. EVERY indication over the last few years is that when something pops up you are MUCH better off to deny any knowledge of anything of real substance and force the NCAA to prove their case. When that happens there is very little indication that they have the expertise or the will to get to the bottom of anything, especially something as low dollar as the Redmond case. I would be willing to bet if we hadn't essentially done all the investigating and provided the NCAA with all the evidence that the Redmond thing would have just sort of gone away because the NCAA is not really interested in recruiting violations anyway. They seem to be much more interested in current college athletes getting impermissible money these days.

08-06-2013, 01:12 PM
Must be pissed he lost a good friend and "colleague" that he could always call on the double to report us every single time we gave away a creme covered bagel on a recruiting visit...
